My 4,000-Mile Musical Journey

From hanging out with The Riff founder and attending Key West Songwriters Festival to searching for albums at thrift stores

The Riff
Published in
5 min readMay 19, 2021


Photo by Mike Giles on Unsplash

“Listening to an album is like reading a book. I want the whole story.” ~Noah Levy

I wasn’t thinking about music as I prepared to go on a two-week vacation around the Florida coast looking for lighthouses. But, I should have known that music would be a big part of my journey.

At first, I listened to local radio stations. I love playing music based on the scenery, but it’s hit and miss with the radio. I spend most of my time changing channels. When I couldn’t find a good station or static started, I pulled up my YouTube or Spotify playlist. But, with GPS running and music playing, the battery didn’t last long. (Hello Apple, it’s time to improve the battery life on iPhones!)

The song Wide Open Spaces came to mind as I rode across the flatlands of my Hoosier home. Thank you, Dixie Chicks, for helping the world understand what I’m talking about.

In the mountains of Kentucky, Virginia, and Tennessee, I continued my country music marathon. I haven’t listened to country music in a while, but country music is what I grew up listening to in…



The Riff

Writer focused on holistic health, poetry, personal development, spirituality, technology, books, movies, and music.