My Ever Changing Moods

A BMT Mixtape for the Riff

Bonnie Barton
The Riff


Author’s image

I apologize for being so out-of-pocket. I’ve traveled a fair amount over the past several weeks, but mostly I’ve been unmotivated.

My current house hasn’t sold. That is such a frustrating story of things WAY out of my control. It should have sold at full asking weeks ago, but my HOA put in a change a year ago (after I had already moved in, of course). Unfortunately, I was unsuccessful at that contentious meeting. A rule passed that has now hurt all of our property values, but my neighbors don’t care, so I’m left holding the bag.

The Savannah home I had hoped to secure has so many issues. It has dragged on and on. I’ve tried to be patient, but it’s been months and months. It looks like I won’t get it after all. C’est la vie, but it’s added to the uncertainty of whether I can afford where I want to be. I’ve been watching the Savannah market for eight months, and no other property has caught my eye (and worked with my budget).

In the end, I’ll be fine. I always am. But I’ve felt uncharacteristically restless. It’s unnerving. I’m so calm typically. But the amount of uncertainty in my life weighs on me. And I do not feel like myself at all. Yuck!

I thought by now the path would be clear. I’ve tried to subscribe to letting life guide my decision. But that isn’t…



Bonnie Barton
The Riff

Queen of mixtapes. Lover of music, travel, and fashion. Authentic sharer of life lessons and dating foibles.