No Shrinking Violets

A BMT Mixtape for The Riff

Bonnie Barton
The Riff


She’s simply the best, Tina Turner/Credit: The Washington Post via Getty Images

When I first started writing about music (on Facebook as musical birthday dedications to my friends), my inspiration virtually always came from someone.

My writing has evolved so that now I never know when inspiration will strike! I’ve learned to embrace that and rarely question myself regarding my silly writing. It’s quite freeing and makes the experience even more organic.

I suppose crafting a mixtape with a specific person in mind comes most naturally. But it simultaneously creates a bit of anxiety.

When tossing out a random mixtape into the Medium-verse, there’s really no pressure. If someone happens upon it and enjoys it, that’s wonderful. If it misses the mark, that’s not really a big deal either. (Hence the whole “freeing” aspect to my absurd writing.)

But when there’s someone specific in mind, I don’t want to fail him or her. I always go bold so I recognize that not every song is likely to hit the mark but I hope that the overall mixtape hits enough points to make the person happy.

It’s a strange line to straddle: honor the person while also sticking to my quirky musical perspective.

In any case, today’s mixtape is concocted for the talented Tre L. Loadholt! I’m grateful to her work at the now…



Bonnie Barton
The Riff

Queen of mixtapes. Lover of music, travel, and fashion. Authentic sharer of life lessons and dating foibles.