Power pop hidden gems and obscurities

Uncovering power pop bands that you might have missed.

Anthony Overs
The Riff


Photo by Red Morley Hewitt on Unsplash

In recent weeks, Medium contributor S.W. Lauden wrote a couple of pieces on the power pop music genre. Several posts focussed on the books ‘Go All The Way’ and ‘Go Further’, edited by Lauden and Paul Myers, which feature essays on power pop bands written by authors, musicians, music writers, and power pop fans.

Additionally, Lauden teamed up with Myers and power pop die-hard John Borack (author of ‘Shake Some Action: The Ultimate Power Pop Guide’) to create the ‘Ultimate power pop bracket contest’, which was detailed in Lauden’s story Have a favorite power pop song? in The Riff. The three nominated 32 songs, with readers voting in rounds to determine the number one song. A bit of fun, with Badfinger’s ‘No Matter What’ taking the title.

Lauden’s Let’s Argue About Power Pop! piece published in Pop Off stated that the following things are evident when it comes to power pop:

- This is a passionate and opinionated community of music-lovers.
- There are a lot of super obscure bands you’ve likely never heard.
- Almost nobody can agree on the definition of “power pop”.



Anthony Overs
The Riff

Australian. Varied interests including music, wildlife (especially birds), food, baseball, taekwondo, drums. Person living with Parkinson’s.