Roots Black Routes

I want my poetry to sing

Michael Hall
The Riff


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1) The vision seeks the man.

Called upon by my past
I live to die in search of my mast

As if today’s my last.

In the direction of tomorrow
I drift on reed of tongue.

2) Writing is the urge to tell folks about it.

I drift but I know where I’ve been where
I’m at where I’m going.

I have been a slave I’ve been a king
I have died for living.

In loose tongue I have sung just to lung

Angers of my people
In eulogies of soul euphony

Uncovering my pain.
I drift but I know where we have been.

3) History is a people’s memory.

Imbued with blue black blues
Memories drifting on reed of tongue

Moan nightmares of the truth.

“We have lived a painful history”
Passed down by word of mouth.

Anthems of silent hostility



Michael Hall
The Riff

#21stcenturygrio | with imagination as my 6th sense and soul as my quintessence, I am an alchemist of prosody |