Song of the Day-July 4th

John Phillips Sousa-Stars and Stripes Forever

Kevin Alexander
The Riff


Hurrah for the flag of the free!
May it wave as our standard forever.
The gem of the land and the sea, The banner of the right!

Let tyrants remember the day When our fathers, with mighty endeavor, Proclaimed as they marched to the fray
That by their might and by their right
It waves forever!

Americans love traditions. Name a holiday, and we have a bazillion for each. The 4th of July is no exception. Some people like to go to parades, some people grill out, and some spend the weekend living as if they’re in a beer commercial.

There are fireworks displays large & small. And of course, year after year people manage to either set their yard on fire or blow off one of their fingers.

It happens every year, like clockwork. You can set your watch to it.

As for me? I have one solitary tradition. I play this song. Sometimes in the morning, sometimes at night. Doesn’t matter when so much as long as it happens.



Kevin Alexander
The Riff

Indie music journalist | Mixtape maker | EIC The Riff Magazine | Writer of the On Repeat Newsletter on Substack |