Songs for January

Coming out of the fever

Jessica Lee McMillan
The Riff
Published in
8 min readJan 16, 2022


Crawling my way out of the worst Omicron symptoms with a good portion of the world, I immediately turn to the songs that have served as stepping stones in the mire.

I started this playlist before getting sick and added tunes on the way. You can thank the fever dreams for this motley that somehow coalesces into a coherent expression of January: the back end of holiday excess (chocolate every day) with the clarity of burgeoning wishes for a new year with more kindness.

We always have so much to catch up on, so here is a bevy of selections from the Spotify playlist linked below.

DEVO — Gut Feeling

Just to remind you that DEVO is not a novelty act, this song’s sprawling instrumental introduction and assertive punk-style vocals grabs me every time with one last punch in the brilliant, frenetic outro.

Here they are perfoming it in 1977:

Operators — Cold Light

