The 50 Greatest Gen-X Songs to Pump YOU Up

Hans and Franz Approve This List

Bonnie Barton
The Riff


Dana Carvey and Kevin Nealon (aka Hans and Franz) via Saturday Night Live/NBC

Today’s list was inspired by a story written by Pierce McIntyre last month.

My lists are always a bit unorthodox and unpredictable. Frankly, I like that my ear and musical spirit always veer a bit.

I don’t discriminate against songs that are radio-friendly and popular. And I don’t avoid challenging, less accessible songs. I embrace it all!

In a potentially polarizing decision, I cast the net very wide. I intentionally included songs from the 70s until the turn of the century.

To be clear: these are the songs that Gen-X was raised on (not necessarily songs written/created by Gen-X).

The truth is Gen-X intersects with and listens to Eminem AND Donna Summer.

Did I lean a smidge into alt 80s more than I should have? Probably. Do I feel bad about that? Ha! Not at all.

But I can reassure you I have representation from a very diverse mix of sounds, genres, artists, and decades. Heck, I even tried to make country work but ultimately decided I was forcing it!

So here we go. The rock. The roll. The funk. The ridiculous. The uplifting. The campy. The favorites. And the way outside the box, too.



Bonnie Barton
The Riff

Queen of mixtapes. Lover of music, travel, and fashion. Authentic sharer of life lessons and dating foibles.