Brad Creech
The Riff
Published in
3 min readDec 9, 2020


Do you want to know how a song is written?

The Birth of a Song

A look into one musician's songwriting process

Photo by Ahmed Rizkhaan on Unsplash

I want to tell you something I have never told anyone before. I am a singer/songwriter and I share my music with anyone who will listen. However, I have not told a soul how my songs actually come into being.

On one hand, it is because no one has ever asked. On the other, it is because I never thought anyone would want to know. But this is Medium, a place for sharing ideas, so it may just be the place to do it.

For anyone who wants to know one artist’s journey of songwriting, it is an honor to share it with you.

It starts in the soul

The conception of a song, in my experience, happens in the soul.

It starts with an emotion, a deep feeling, a passion. It may be connected to some experience or event. It may not. At this point in the process that doesn’t necessarily matter.

The origin of the song is not in the specific experience that inspired it, but in the emotions left by that experience. This is why music is so powerful and moving.

You and I may have different experiences in life, but those experiences spark emotions in us that are…



Brad Creech
The Riff

Pastor - husband - father - author of The Dark Night of the Soul (