The Genius of the “Simple” Song

There’s more to it than you think

Rob Janicke
The Riff


Photo by JT on Unsplash

“It is the essence of genius to make use of the simplest ideas.” — Charles Peguy

Music can be a daunting art form for those who make it. Allowing others to see behind that well-designed curtain called your soul is no easy task. That’s what great songwriting is though, it’s pure vulnerability.

Beyond the emotional side of it, there’s also the ego side. This isn’t necessarily a negative comment. Musicians take pride in their craft, whether learned or natural and they want to put their talents on display.

When it comes to songwriting, many musicians I know often feel like a song should display some level of technical difficulty that beginners just learning to play an instrument couldn’t imagine doing themselves. It’s a source of pride I think we can all understand.

Great art though, comes from inside. It’s emotional more than technical. This is why some of the greatest songs of all time are also the simplest when it comes to the level of difficulty. This is also a bone contention for some musicians. Can they be great while not displaying great technical ability?

This is where genius comes into play.



Rob Janicke
The Riff

Former indie record label owner currently writing my first book, SLACKER - 1991, Teen Spirit Angst and the Generation It Created. Follow me on IG @rob_janicke