The Man, The Myth, The Legend, Jello Biafra

Forever changing punk rock one lyric at a time

Alexander Razin
The Riff


Credit: Alternative Tentacles

Community College was fun. I was optimistic about finishing and becoming someone in the five years I went. Fortunately, I completed community college with flawless grades. Yet, I’m still working on the someone part.

I could’ve finished college sooner if I had had direction and didn’t take unnecessary courses. I was aiming for an art degree, and the music classes I took weren’t part of the major. One music class was Music Production and Recording. I failed the class, given my study habits and living arrangements.

I won’t forget when my mother told me, “Why are you failing a class of something you like?”

The other music class I took was the history of rock and roll. The course was an easy A. However, I didn’t receive an A, as I didn’t write the essay. Amazing. I write 1000 words weekly to the zero I didn’t write before. It’s fascinating where life takes you.

Regardless, the essay was simple. The professor listed quotes by rock musicians, and the quote I liked would be my essay topic. To my surprise, I chose the set’s most intriguing figure, Jello Biafra.

And, of course, I didn’t write the essay. The professor almost failed me because the paper was much of the grade…



Alexander Razin
The Riff

Aficionado and connoisseur of obscure and experimental music, movies, and TV. Fictional and nonfictional pieces have their place here, too