
The Replacements

A rock-n-roll story in 100 words

Kevin Alexander
The Riff
Published in
May 2, 2021


Photo by author

My wife and I finally got to see the Replacements. 75 miles to hear 26 songs, and it was worth every last minute. My ears bled like I thought they might. Before the show, people around us were busy virtue signaling.

“This is my 3rd time seeing the band”

“I first saw them in ‘88 (or whenever)”

We stood towards the back in the mezzanine. We wanted to see the band, not someone else’s shoulder. Neither of us will ever be accused of being tall.

With their waxed-up hair and painted shoes, it was everything we expected. And more.

Note: My wife and I saw this show on this day in 2015. Inspiration for the 100-word story comes from Keith R. Higgons. Check out his here.



Kevin Alexander
The Riff

Indie music journalist | Mixtape maker | EIC The Riff Magazine | Writer of the On Repeat Newsletter on Substack |