The Unlikely Connection Between Donald Trump and Johnny Rotten

“Dark times are times of great opportunity for people of great stealth.”

Drew Wardle
The Riff


Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

Both Johnny Rotten (former singer of The Sex Pistols) and former President of the United States, Donald Trump, are intrinsically linked by an unlikely story, one that involves trash — yes, literal garbage. It symbolises the very essence of what lies on the bottom, and one that has been a seismic force in propelling both to the very top, no matter the consequences.

Ever since Johnny Rotten, former singer of the Sex Pistols, revealed his support for former president Donald Trump, the assumptions about punk’s political allegiance have come into question.

These assumptions are that punk rock is a left-wing idea. For someone as devious as Lydon, he always made it clear that he was not affiliated with any political school of thought or associated with any party. So it really shouldn’t be too much of a shocker; Lydon, just like Trump, has always operated in his own interests.

The fundamental difference, however, is that Lydon was not born into any kind of money, while Trump, on the other hand, was. Understanding Lydon’s motivations could actually give us some considerable insight into Trump’s popularity among working-class people, one that has fueled…

