
This Week’s Heavy Rotation #6

“Tell ’em where to go”

Kevin Alexander
The Riff
Published in
3 min readFeb 17, 2021


Photo: author’s collection

We’re on the 8000th day in a row of subzero temps up here. It feels that long, anyway. That’s standard procedure for life on the Frozen Tundra. What isn’t normal is seeing most of America going through the same thing.

Even my friends in places like Arizona have been suspiciously quiet this week.

The cold means lots of time rooting through vinyl I haven’t listened to in a while, and discovering new tracks alike. If my social media timelines are any indication, a lot of other people have been doing the same thing. That’s my kind of collective experience.

The list below are my top 5 of the last 7 days.

Tell them where to go-Cable Ties

“Are you stuck in your bedroom with your stereo on?
Thinking you’ll never play that way ’cause you're too weird or too young
Why don’t you walk out your bedroom and steal your brother’s guitar?”

With a locomotive bass line and snarling vocals, the song feels like it’s channeling lightning. This is the kind of song that makes me want to run red lights. Railing against industry misogyny, it’s a clarion call for girls/women everywhere to stake their claim and take their rightful place.



Kevin Alexander
The Riff

Indie music journalist | Mixtape maker | EIC The Riff Magazine | Writer of the On Repeat Newsletter on Substack |