Unusual Place Names One Comes Across On Road Trips

Kermit is not just a frog

David Acaster
The Riff


Image of the front of the Alien Museum in Roswell, New Mexico, with two faces of Aliens with big bulging eyes stare out over the street
Photo by Author who is standing in front of the Alien Museum in Roswell, New Mexico

Earlier in the year, Ethan at Critical Country did a series of five splendid articles based on music connected with US National Parks. I know Ethan is busy right now with his photography and learning guitar, but maybe he’ll come back and write more stories about his love of country music. He sure knows what he’s talking about.

See the link below to the start of Ethan’s series which are well worth checking out. He got me thinking of the music I listened to on road trips when visiting US National Parks.

Another guy who knows a thing or two about Country Music is singer/songwriter Aaron Beavers. I’ve seen his band Shurman playing live in the UK.

Shurman is more than just a good-time band. Their stage shows are awesome and they play anything from Country Rock to The Rolling Stones covers, but Country is their forte. There’s an edge to their music, and they somehow seem to capture that raw energy in the studio.



David Acaster
The Riff

British, retired, loves reptiles & amphibians, keen on history, steam locomotives, travel, real ale and still trying to master that Fender Stratocaster.