Yes, Journey Is Still A Great Band Without Steve Perry

Buddy Gott
The Riff
Published in
6 min readAug 10, 2021


Image source: Journey’s official website

I want to start things off here with two short statements:

  1. This is NOT an anti-Steve Perry article.
  2. This article is primarily for people who liked Journey in the past but have maybe not paid much attention to their more recent music. If you’ve never been a fan of Journey, then this article may not be for you. Musicals tastes are subjective and I’m not trying to convert anyone here. Go listen to music that makes you happy and have a nice day.

Now, on with my article.

I’m a music junkie and I subscribe to and follow many music publications online. It seems that almost every time I see an article in one of them about Journey which refers to their newer music, the replies to the article are littered with statements like, “There is no Journey without Steve Perry.”

I get it, people. I understand that you love Steve Perry. I love Steve Perry too. But here’s the thing — he hasn’t been a member of Journey for a very, very long time. The last album he did with them was “Trial By Fire,” which was released in 1996.

Now, I’m no great mathematician, but my crude tabulations tell me that 1996 was 25 years ago. This means that Steve Perry hasn’t recorded with Journey for a quarter of a century.



Buddy Gott
The Riff

Lover of music, tv, books, and movies. Host of the GOTTA POP podcast.