You Need More than a Mentor You Need a Coaching Staff

My coach is pushing me harder than ever to make sure I stay at a good level. -Usain Bolt

Charlie Mitchell
In The Rough
3 min readNov 30, 2017


By Charlie Mitchell

I’m 34 years old, and every day I’m shocked that I’m this “old.” I feel like I’m still a teenager I just have more responsibilities and if I screw up more stuff will come crashing down. I don’t know what I’m doing. I work hard to keep my composure and have a plan, but some days, I’m not sure how I made it this far.

I have friends who say they respect me and appreciate my counsel, that always strikes me as odd. I don’t feel like I know much of anything and I don’t feel like I have accomplished anything of significance.

Here is the deal.

Most of my life I have been carried along by the strength wisdom, and insights of others. That is the great epiphany of my life.

When I survey the contours of my life, I have done some things and seen a lot of places. There are times where I have to reflect on all I’ve experienced in these short years of life. But, I’m nowhere close to where I would like to be when my life is done. If it were up to me I’d die in a vegetative state, brain dead from too much Netflix consumption. Most days I am my own worst enemy. And I’m in constant need of help.

I have a good life, but I’ve got lots of work to do. And there are areas of my life that need to be strengthened and developed so that I can get to where I’m going. That’s why I need a coach. As a church planter, currently, I have three coaches, each representing a different partnership or aspect of my ministry. That may sound like a lot, but that’s nowhere near enough.

I am a Christian, husband, father, pastor, planter and creative. If I want to make it in these various areas I need a coach or a mentor that can specifically help me to grow. And so do you. If you think you can figure it out on your own, you’re mistaken. We need a team of people who have fresh eyes into our life and can help us to think in innovative ways. We need good question askers around us that can poke and prod to move us in the right direction.

When I look at professional athletes, they have a whole staff of coaches dedicated to their success. Why would this be any different for anyone seeking to life a purposeful life? To have a coach does not minimize the skill or talent of the player on the field. It is just the opposite; good coaches elevate the game of elite players. Stop settling for one mentor. You need a gang of advisors to help you achieve the robust life you seek to live.

If you were to ask me, I’d tell you to get a coaching staff that will help you to raise your game and helps you to become a pro. Your natural ability may get you far, but a superb coaching staff will get you further.

Look at the various areas of your life and see if you can get someone to advise or mentor you in each area.

I’m always looking for a few good advisors. I suggest you do the same.



Charlie Mitchell
In The Rough

I used to be a pastor. Now I'm on the journey to becoming an entrepreneur through my writing.