Sketch Visual Design Exercise

Carina Lázaro
The rise of a new Ironhacker (me!)
1 min readJul 20, 2017

Today task for my Ironhack's UX/UI bootcamp prework was designing a two-screen UI using Sketch, based on a given reference.

I had the chance to use some basic tools I learned past days and getting familiar with the software. I'm already very confident about using Adobe Illustrator, but learning a new interface always requires a little bit of time to find yourself (and every tool).

For this exercise I used for the first time ColorZilla, this Chrome extension that allows you to pick colours with an eyedropper at any web. It's fantastic! The photos are from Unsplash, an amazing and free high resolution image bank… I just love it!

The designed screens are for a travel app, that lets people plan trips with friends and share a daily itinerary with activity and location details.

Here goes the result:

I really enjoyed this activity, and just can't wait to create more using Sketch! :)

