Sketching notes

Carina Lázaro
The rise of a new Ironhacker (me!)
1 min readJul 20, 2017

As part of Ironhack prework for the UX/UI bootcamp I'll be attending next August, we were told to watch this great talk by Margaret Gould Stewart (Facebook’s director of product design): How Giant Websites Design For You - but with a challenge: sketchnoting while watching. This is the result of my work: the world's ugliest like/dislike representation and a person with shame-blushing-cheeks that look most like a dirty face… But besides that, I kinda liked what I got! :)

It felt nice sketching during the video. I watch it 3 times. The first one, without taking any note (I watch it with the other 5 TED talks suggested on the list, not considering the exercise). Then, for the second time, I took a notebook and pencil and felt more worried about writing things than sketching and the result wasn’t so organised and easy to understand.

So, I tried one more time. It definitely helped me engage more. For the first time in the 3 times I watched, I noticed the moments when the 3 rules were outlined by the speaker, and it had a very important highlight in my sketch, separated by 3 topics. I also choose another kind of paper and pen, that improved the visual result.

