Week 2 - User Research and IA

Carina Lázaro
The rise of a new Ironhacker (me!)
3 min readAug 25, 2017

Hello again! After last week's intensive Google Sprint's immersion, this week was dedicated to watch closely the research process.

Once again, I don't want to write a long text about it, so I'll try to show visually how the activities were and the steps to get to the conclusions that allow you to develop a great user experience, focused on your customer.

This week, we began working on 2 new projects. A group one, to create an online groceries shopping experience and an individual one, based on a government website. I've choose "El refugio", a non-profit organization for animals rescue and protection. The steps were pretty the same for both, but it's super nice to see how all the research and brainstorming make you go on so different ways for each one.

Day 1 - Designing surveys

“Surveys are useless until you know who it’s for and what you want to learn from it.” — Chris Thelwell

My lean survey canvas

Day 2 - UX Strategy

"UX strategy lies at the intersection of UX design and business strategy. It is a practice that, when done empirically, provides a much better chance of creating a successful digital product than just crossing your fingers, designing some wireframes, and then writing a bunch of code…" – Excerpt from the book “UX Strategy: How to Devise Innovative Digital Products That People Want. Jamie Levy”

My UX strategy Blueprint

Day 3 - Defining

After all the user research, it's time to synthesize it in order to turn data into actionable information. For that, a lot of exercises — and sticky notes! — can be used.

My mind map
My affinity diagram
My user personas
My empathy map

Day 4 - In the shoes of your user

To understand even more your client and convert this knowledge in ideas, you can have a few exercises to put yourself in the shoes of the user, remembering always that you are not your user!

My user journey
My storyboard
My crazy 8's

Day 5 - Conclusions

Based on all those exercises, you should be capable of taking some conclusions and defining the path to be followed next week, when we'll be starting to sketch and prototype.

My conclusions — lines to be followed

