Short Reviews of Every Green Day Song Ever

Rose Harmon
The Rise to Fame
Published in
23 min readNov 22, 2020
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Below is a list of every Green Day song ever and my review of each one. I’ve been a fan of the punk rock band for probably a little over two years now, but because of the sheer number of songs that they’ve released, I’ve never listened to all of them, so most of my reviews are honest, first impressions. I’m also going to including a link here to my actual article about Green Day, so I hope you check it out and start reading my short and hopefully comical reviews. For anyone who’s already a Green Day fan, I hope I’m a better reviewer than Platypus.

Table of Contents (Every Album):

  1. 39/Smooth (1990)
  2. Kerplunk (1992)
  3. Dookie (1994)
  4. Insomniac (1995)
  5. Nimrod (1997)
  6. Warning (2000)
  7. American Idiot (2004)
  8. 21st Century Breakdown (2009)
  9. ¡Uno! (2012)
  10. ¡Dos! (2012)
  11. ¡Tré! (2012)
  12. Revolution Radio (2016)
  13. Father of All Motherfuckers (2020)


  • Click on an underlined song to listen to it.
  • At the end of each album review, there will be a subjective top five list of my own, but if you want to know the best sellers on the album, look beside the song, if there is a * beside it, then that song is a best seller
  • Some songs appeared in more than one album, but I reviewed it in whichever album it came in first.
  • This is also not a list including compilations or singles and EPs.
Photo Credit:

39/Smooth (1990)-

The birth of one of the most influential punk bands of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.

* At The Library With The Waba Se Wasca:

If you’re looking for…
a song that you should never have on while you eat or else someone will ask you what that apple ever did to you.

Don’t Leave Me:

If you’re looking for…
a song that the writers of a sitcom would script for when the average suburban parents find their kids singing in a secret club that they followed them to because they could tell that “something was up.” In other words, it’s a stereotypical punk song.

* I Was There:

If you’re looking for…
a song complete with stiff drum beats, distant lyrics, and a jarring voice from Billy Joe.

Disappearing Boy:

If you’re looking for…
the song version of that romance movie where an awkward guy and a quirky girl ignore each other, kiss, let a disaster pull them apart, and finally reunite in the last two scenes.

* Green Day:

You’re going to give this one a listen anyway because of the title. (It is one of their best songs though).

Going to Pasalacqua:

If you’re looking for…
an excellent song (musically) with lyrics that trap feeling that are distinct and familiar; although, it’s forgettable.


If you’re looking for…
a song that makes you feel exposed. The lyrics are genius, and they put the idea of ‘wanting what you can’t have’ into a non-cliché, catchy rhythm that makes you want to smash your head against air in a mash pit.

Road to Acceptance:

If you’re a…
whiny, drama queen/king wannabe that feels like the world owes you something for your existence. Well, this song reminds us of you anyway.


If you’re looking for…
what the cartoon characters hear when the stars are circling above their head after receiving a damning blow.

The Judge’s Daughter:

If you’re looking for…
a song with a mildly catchy beginning, but at around 1:40 transforms into a head thumping, jump in the crowd, yayouoverthereyousonuvabitch, Holden Caufield piece of shit that you have no words for. In other words, it redeems itself, but because its start, is not in my top three, but top five.

Final Top Five Songs (Including Some Unpopular Opinions):

  1. “Green Day”
  2. “At the Library”
  3. “16”
  4. “The Judge’s Daughter”
  5. “Going to Pasalacqua”
Photo Credit:

Kerplunk (1992)-

Includes repetitive, yet catchy lyrics and melodies that scream a layman’s doubts about both ageing and youth.

* 2, 000 Light Years Away:

If you’re looking for…
something to mindlessly bang your head to while eating pretzels (or the food of your choice).

One for the Razorbacks:

If you’re looking for…
a song that you probably haven’t heard if you’re already a Green Day fan (and, of course, if you’re not). It’s overlooked, but includes a great guitar part. Slide around in your socks to this.

Christie Road:

If you’re looking for…
a classic and moody sound. Just sit next to that kiddie pool you have in your front lawn with your shades shielding the tanning sun.

Private Ale:

If you’re looking for…
something to yell with at only specific parts so that you don’t completely ruin your voice.

Dominated Love Slave:

If you’re looking for…
the reason why punk and country should not mix.

* One of My Lies:

If you’re looking for…
the antidote after listening to Dominated Love Slave.


If you’re looking for…
the song that explains why after dating that one person for a while, your hair had started to turn grey.


If you’re looking for…
a song that makes you want to scream at your future self not to be crazy.

No One Knows:

If you’re looking for…
one of the best slow songs that Green Day has produced next to “Outlaws” and “Macy’s Day Parade.”

Who Wrote Holden Caufield:

J.D Salinger, you sonuvabitch.

Words I Might Have Ate:

If you’re looking for…
a song that could deceive a little kid into thinking that this was their regular ABC song because of the clapping and guitar strum (unless they could understand the lyrics, in which case, keep away from smart children).

Sweet Children:

If you’re looking for…
something sweet, short, and obviously ironic, but if you know common trivia about Green Day then you’ll probably listen to this anyway.

Best Thing in Town:

The hobo on the corner named Bert.


If you’re looking for…
something heavy and muffled. It’s the perfect song to play for your arch nemesis whenever they have a hangover.

My Generation:

If you’re looking for…

Final Top Five Songs (Including Some Unpopular Opinions):

  1. “Christie Road”
  2. “One of My Lies”
  3. “My Generation”
  4. “No One Knows”
  5. “Android”
Photo Credit:

Dookie (1994)-

Classic punk songs with hard drum beats, a whiny voice, and angsty lyrics. AKA, the most iconic album.


If you’re looking for…
a song for people to hear you listening to that’s nice for background music and makes you look cooler. Not a great song, but good enough.

Having a Blast:

If you’re a…
person who lives on the beach who also happens to be emo; if the Beach Boys were a punk rock band, perhaps they would have written something like this.


If you’re a…
a chump for Green Day. It’s ear candy, essentially, except, it’s not exactly sweet. It includes back and forth conversations between the drums, bass, and guitar that’s almost as if you are listening to ‘familiar arguing’ as opposed to sitting between two strangers arguing on their first date and you don’t know how you got in the middle.

* Longview:

A classic.

If you’re looking for…
something that reminds you of a cartoon in song form and you don’t know why until you look at the lyrics. Warning: This song will probably get stuck in your head at some point in your life if you continue to listen to Green Day.

* Welcome to Paradise:

A classic.

If you’re looking for…
what all the little kids in the early 2000s thought that college spring break was.

Puling Teeth:

If you’re looking for…
how to tell your current girlfriend that you actually, kind of, sort of, a little bit, hate her, but like, romantically.

* Basket Case:

The classic.

If you’re looking for…
the pet Green Day song (which I find overrated) but is beloved by tens of millions and includes signature elements from this era in punk rock and Green Day in general.


If you’re looking for…
a song with a catchy chorus that makes you think about asking out your crush, never doing so, then listening to this song on your way home from school and letting the vicious cycle sink into your daily routine.

Sassafras Roots:

If you’re looking for…
a song that you want to listen to with your friend that you hope you will feel nostalgic of in the years to come while also feeling quirky because you like a song with a unique title by a punk rock band.

Coming Clean:

If you’re looking for…
a forgetful song. While it’s catchy, it follows the typical pattern formulated for the Dookie album, and while I am a lover of all Green Day songs, it’s not forceful, or potent, or angry, but rather, similar to all the other songs. Not their best.

Emenius Sleepus:

If you’re looking for…
a quick and quippy tune that ends with the feeling that a slammed door in your face might induce. In short, if you want to be hit by a door and still feel satisfied, yet hungry for more (for lack of a better cliché) give this a listen.


If you’re looking for…
a Green Day song in which you can actually hear the lyrics. Listen to the whole song before you form an opinion though. It has a nice mix of acoustic and loud punk, but you only hear the latter in the second half of the song.

All By Myself:

If you’re looking for…
the worst song that you’ll ever hear that was probably made so that Green Day would have fifteen songs on their album instead of one short of a ‘marker number.’

* When I Come Around:

A Classic.

If you’re looking for…
something that will help you get over yourself and make up with the people that you love but are fighting with.

Final Top Five Songs (Including Some Unpopular Opinions):

  1. “When I Come Around”
  2. “Chump”
  3. “Pulling Teeth”
  4. “Basket Case”
  5. “F.O.D”
Photo Credit:

Insomniac (1995)-

An excellent album that’s angry and relentless; although, not very thoughtful. It also had the misfortune of following Dookie.

Armatage Shanks:

If you’re looking for…
a song that makes you take back what you said about hating Green Day’s Insomniac album.


If you’re looking for…
something to paint your walls to if you think that you might be the next Jackson Pollock.

Stuck With Me:

If you’re looking for…
something to geocache to because you’re afraid that you might be the cache.

* Geek Stink Breath:

If you’re looking for…
something to describe yourself with on those ‘get to know you’ sheets on the first day of class.

No Pride:

If you’re looking for…
another answer if your teacher doesn’t accept your “Geek Stink Breath” answer on your ‘get to know you’ sheet.

Bab’s Uvula Who?:

If you’re looking for…
that song that they play in movies whenever they show the atmosphere of the beach that the main character’s about to step out into, and college kids are playing volleyball, and little kids are swimming in the ocean.


If you’re looking for…
a song that you shouldn’t listen to if you’re 86.

Panic Song:

If you’re looking for…
that moment when two sumo wrestlers step into the ring and the ref isn’t out of the way yet.

Stuart and the Ave.:

If you’re looking for…
a good, but basic Green Day song.

* Brain Stew:

If you’re looking for…
a song that is great to listen to as you eat soup.


If you’re looking for…
some Tre Cool magic.

Westbound Sign:

If you’re looking for…
a song that makes California kids sad because the closest they’ll get to living the American Dream of moving out to California is coming back from vacation.

Tight Wad Hill:

I’ll just tell you: it’s a filler song on the album.

* Walking Contradiction:

If you’re looking for…
a treasure trove of examples for your paradox homework.

Final Top Five Songs (Including Some Unpopular Opinions):

  1. “Stuck With Me”
  2. “Brat”
  3. “Armatage Shanks”
  4. “Geek Stink Breath”
  5. “Westbound Sign”
Photo Credit: 20minutos

Nimrod (1997)-

Truthfully sickening. Nimrod highlights human behavior and the suffering that humans face as the times change and people themselves become obsolete.

Nice Guys Finish Last:

If you’re looking for…
a song that would cause any intern to go through an existential crisis.

* Hitchin’ a Ride:

If you’re looking for…
a song with brilliant and sickening lyrics (that can for once be heard in a Green Day song).

* The Grouch:

If you’re looking for…
a song to scare you shitless.


If you’re looking for…
a way to accurately describe the passage of time and history. The poem below is short and is another artistic way to point out the pitfalls of American and human patterns.

There Is a Hole in My Sidewalk
Autobiography in Five Short Chapters
By Portia Nelson


If you’re a…
person who loses their phone and calls your mom to ask her where she last saw it.

All the Time”:

If you’re looking for…
a filler song on Nimrod.

Worry Rock:

If you’re looking for…
a song to listen to on a blue sky, sunny day in New York city where you will meet your soulmate but be pulled apart by the same fate that brought you together.

Platypus (I Hate You):

If you’re a person…

  • who needs to acquire tough skin
  • is looking for some creative insults.


If you’re looking for…
a way to describe that one tattletale kid in grade school a decade after they told on you for giving the classroom gerbil a little extra food MIGHT I ADD BECAUSE IT WAS HALLOWEEN.

Last Ride In:

If you’re looking for…
a song that feels as long as when you’re in an elevator…and you fart. It kind of sounds like the music in the elevator too.


If you’re looking for…
an intro that makes you wonder if Green Day just reuses the same melody for the beginning of a handful of random songs and are waiting for someone to notice that they’ve already used it five times.


If you’re looking for…

Walking Alone:

If you’re looking for…
a song that makes you confirm your suspicions that the recorder is a stupid instrument and that the public school system should have taught you the harmonica instead so that you could at least be able to assist Green Day in playing this song if the opportunity ever presents itself.


If you’re…
that person who still hasn’t realized where the band name All-American Rejects name came from.

“So when the smoke clears here I am
Your reject all-American” ~ Green Day

Take Back:

If you’re looking for…
that song that goes off in your head when you say you don’t want something and someone else says they’ll take it, snatches it, and now you want it more than anything.

* King for a Day:

If you’re looking for…
a song to play up on the stage of a Mexican drag queen contest.

* Good Riddance (Time of Your Life):

If you’re looking for…
a song to help ease pain of losing someone you love. Not many songs can accomplish this feat, so give it the respect that it deserves.

Prosthetic Head:

If you’re looking for…
the most underrated and unique song on Nimrod.

Final Top Five Songs (Including Some Unpopular Opinions):

  1. “Good Riddance”
  2. “King for a Day”
  3. “Prosthetic Head”
  4. “Redundant”
  5. “Scattered”
Photo Credit:

Warning (2000)-

Something more raw, yet less forceful than any other Green Day album. But while it’s not striking at first, it’s potent, revealing, and more than anything, optimistic.

* Warning:

If you’re looking for…
lyrics that are a more like a punk rock version of the cliché “live, laugh, love.”

* Blood, Sex and Booze:

If you’re looking for…
every horror movie ever.

Church on Sunday:

If you’re looking for…
a conspiracy theory of why this is one of the least popular albums: Billie Joe went into a coma after he wrote “Church on Sunday” and only woke up to write American Idiot after his doubleganger had already finished writing and preforming Warning. Proof is below.

“Church on Sunday’s” lyrics:

Today is the first day of the rest
Of our lives

Tomorrow is too late to pretend

Holiday’s lyrics on Green Day’s American Idiot album:

I beg to dream and differ from the hollow lies
This is the dawning of the rest of our lives
On holiday

Fashion Victim:

If you’re looking for…
what this idiom means. It means that someone died, strangled by their own scarfs that went rouge to take over the world by one fashion disaster at a time.


If you’re looking for…
a sign that you should read Unbroken, a story about Olympian Louie Zamperini that crashed into the ocean because of his inadequate plane, was stranded for almost fifty days, was taken as a Japanese prisoner of war, and STILL survived to tell the story. It’s remarkable.


If you’re looking for…
something to bring back memories of that time your parents took you to the circus and you had nightmares for three weeks.

Although I find Green Day’s version to be spooky and mystical, I have found that Blink 182’s song, Misery, is superior. Click here to listen.

Deadbeat Holiday:

If you’re looking for…
the brother of “Holiday” in American Idiot that moved into their parent’s basement while “Holiday” is off making millions (literally).

Hold On:

If you’re looking for…
the lamer version of that moment in those Hallmark romance movie when the guy has done something stupid and the girl is walking away and he calls out “Wait, I love you!”


If you’re looking for…
Donald Trump.

* Waiting:

If you’re looking for…
the manager who was silently mouthing to the receptionist to ask you to wait, and you’ve been on hold for an hour carrying your phone around everywhere like the angry and dedicated customer that you are.

* Minority:

If you’re looking for…
the song that goes off in your head when your parents tell you that you can’t eat more than one ice-cream sandwich.

Macy’s Day Parade:

If you’re looking for…

Final Top Five Songs (Including Some Unpopular Opinions):

  1. “Macy’s Day Parade”
  2. “Misery”
  3. “Deadbeat Holiday”
  4. “Waiting”
  5. “Warning”
Photo Credit:

American Idiot (2004)-

An album with inspiring political messages that is sarcastic, alarming, and bitter.

* American Idiot:

If you’re looking for…
the reason why you (an American) received dirty looks after traveling to Europe after the 2016 election.

* Jesus of Suburbia: Jesus of Suburbia/City of the Damned/I Don’t Care:

If you’re looking for…
a fucking masterpiece.

* Holiday:

If you’re looking for…
that moment in class where you found a website that included all of the answers to the practice work sheets.

* Boulevard of Broken Dreams:

If you’re…
feeling sorry for yourself, and in your mind you’re thinking “those people will be sorry when I become the next president of the United States!”

Are We the Waiting:

If you’re looking for…
a song that reminds you of the Big Time Rush song “We Are,” but upon listening to it, you find that you’re not sure why you thought that.

St. Jimmy:

If you’re looking for…
something to play in the background as you ponder religion.

Give Me Novacaine:

If you’re looking for…
something to cry to as you think about the girlfriend/boyfriend that you never had.

She’s a Rebel:

If you’re wondering…
why Billy Joe can’t seem to remember any of the names of girls that he’s met.

Extraordinary Girl:

If you’re looking for…
a song that Green Day must have been high when they wrote it because it’s so bad.

Letter Bomb:

If you’re looking for…
a song to blast in the background as you jump off a cliff on an exotic adventure (into water of course).

* Wake Me Up When September Ends:

If you’re looking for…
a song that explains why everyone should skip September and move straight to October. Why? October+Halloween=candy. Random thought. It’s a shallow review for a deep song.

Homecoming: The Death of St. Jimmy/East 12th St./Nobody Likes You/Rock:

If you’re looking for…
something not worth almost a decade in minutes of your time.


If you’re looking for…
a song that plays in your mind when you see that guy that works in your office and then he sees you and comes over to say hi because you’ve had very long and personal conversations and you can’t remember his name.

Final Top Five Songs (Including Some Unpopular Opinions):

  1. “American Idiot”
  2. “Whatsername”
  3. “Jesus of Suburbia: Jesus of Suburbia/City of the Damned/I Don’t Care”
  4. “Wake Me Up When September Ends”
  5. “Holiday”
Photo Credit: Discogs

21st Century Breakdown (2009)-

Provides a snapshot of what the twenty-first century looks like and a satirical examination of religion all the while not sounding pretentious in the least.

* Song of the Century:

If you’re looking for…
a way to ease your three-year old into Green Day. It’s the best intro song they’ve ever produced (in my opinion).

21st Century Breakdown:

If you’re looking for…
an enticing history lesson.

* Know Your Enemy:

If you’re looking for…
that kid that beat you in the spelling bee three years ago at your Beta Club convention to see if they made it in and are like “shit, I don’t even know their name.”

¡Viva La Gloria!:

If you’re looking for…
the other Viva La Gloria with question marks, you’re in the wrong place. Go down eight songs. Leave which Viva La Gloria you prefer in the comments.

Before the Lobotomy:

If you’re looking for…
a bucket list if you’re planning to get a lobotomy.

Christian’s Inferno:

If you’re looking for…
something like a Christian/Romance/Hansel and Gretel story.

Light Night on Earth:

If you’re looking for…
the rock version of “Hey There Delilah.”

East Jesus Nowhere:

If you’re looking to…
form a coup to overthrow your government, complete with you yelling off the top of a car to your adherents.


If you’re looking for…
a break from the tone and similar instrumental sound of 21st Century Breakdown. Also, come here to listen Billie Joe trill an ‘R.’

Last of the American Girls:

If you’re looking for…
the stereotypical “I’m not like other girls’ book character.

Murder City:

If you’re looking for…
a wholesome new home (if you’re a revolutionary).

¿Viva la Gloria?:

If you’re looking for…
an interesting song to analyze.

Restless Heart Syndrome:

If you’re looking for…
a punk/emo version of Tom Odell’s “I Know.”

Horseshoes and Handgrenades:

If you’re looking for…
a song to work out to that makes you feel like you’re working harder than you really are.

The Static Age:

If you’re looking for…
that moment when your internet is crappy and your friend tells you that you sound like a robot. And that’s when reCAPTCHA appears.

* 21 Guns:

If you’re looking for…
more motivation to appreciate your veterans and their strength and bravery while fighting for our country.

American Eulogy: A. Mass Hysteria/B. Modern World:

If you’re looking for…
the synopsis of 21st Century Breakdown.

See the Light:

If you’re looking for…
that one Sunday school teacher who loves Green Day who also happens to be conducting the six year olds as they sing “This Little Light of Mine.”

Final Top Five Songs (Including Some Unpopular Opinions):

  1. “East Jesus Nowhere”
  2. “21 Guns”
  3. “21st Century Breakdown”
  4. “¡Viva La Gloria!”
  5. “Last Night on Earth”
Photo Credit:

¡Uno! (2012)-

The first part of a long chain of nothing. There are some good songs thrown in but most are just fillers.

* Nuclear Family:

If you’re looking for…
the average family in the 60s.

Stay the Night:

If you’re looking for…
the guy’s perspective in “How You Get the Girl” by Taylor Swift.

Carpe Diem:

If you’re looking for…
a song to make wonderful plans in which you will seize the day and then the next morning forget about them.

* Let Yourself Go:

If you’re looking for…
that photo that makes you look like you’ve aged well when you really haven’t.

* Kill the DJ:

If you’re looking for…
something that sounds like one of those overused song in movies and tv shows.

Fell for You:

If you’re looking for…
how love can hurt, literally. Other examples include:

  • Your heart breaking
  • Getting a crush

Loss of Control:

If you’re looking for…
that moment when you start questioning if you’re walking right, as you’re walking, and you almost fall.


If you’re looking for…
something similar to the tone of Father of All Motherfuckers.

Angel Blue:

If you’re looking for…
a filler. Pretty much a duller version of Nimrod’s “Uptight.”

Sweet 16:

If you’re looking for…
a sweet song (obviously) with good intentions and awesome drumbeats.

Rusty James:

If you’re looking for…
a filler song that you can’t tell apart from most of the other songs on ¡Uno!. The latter half of the song is the best though if you want to give it the benefit of the doubt.

* Oh Love:

If you’re looking for…
that one Green Day song you hear in the grocery store.

Final Top Five Songs (Including Some Unpopular Opinions):

  1. “Nuclear Family”
  2. “Troublemaker”
  3. “Sweet 16"
  4. “Kill the DJ”
  5. “Oh Love”
Photo Credit:

¡Dos! (2012)-

The second part of a long chain of nothing. There are some good songs thrown in but most are just fillers. It’s slightly worse than Uno.

See You Tonight:

If you’re looking for…
something similar to the idea behind “Song of the Century,” but not as deserving to be on an album.

* Fuck Time:

If you’re a…
nymphomaniac who lost your watch.

Stop When the Red Lights Flash:

If you’re…
learning to drive. A flashing red light is the equivalent to a stop sign.

Lazy Bones:

If you’re…
a person who thinks they’re productive, you’re probably not. You’re just twiddling your thumbs.

* Wild One:

If you’re looking for…
before Billie Joe fell in love: “My heart is in danger…”

Makeout Party:

If you’re looking for…
Billie Joe falling in love: “Kiss me there, oh, kiss me there…”

* Stray Heart:

If you’re looking for…
after Billie Joe fell in love: “This dog is destined for a home to your heart…”

(Also, this is a song that would have been on a Drake and Josh Christmas special).

* Ashley:

If you’re looking for…
that song where, wait, hold on, did Billie Joe just remember a girl’s name for once?

Baby Eyes:

If you’re looking for…
Rosemary’s baby.

Lady Cobra:

If you’re looking for…
a name for your next kid.


If you’re looking for…
a mix between Linkin Park and a bad rap song from the 80s.

Wow! That’s Loud:

If you’re looking for…
a song to blast from your room to hear your parents say something ironic.

* Amy:

If you’re looking for…
the only Green Day song besides “Wake Me Up When September Ends” that’ll make you cry.

Final Top Five Songs (Including Some Unpopular Opinions):

  1. “Makeout party”
  2. “Amy”
  3. “Fuck Time”
  4. “Wild One”
  5. “Stop When the Red Lights Flash”
Photo Credit: New York Times Daily

¡Tré! (2012)-

Tre gets some cool solos and I like that he’s being appreciated, especially since he’s an overshadowed band member despite his crazy antics.

* Brutal Love:

If you’re looking for…
a song that’s popular but only mildly decent.

* Missing You:

If you’re looking for…
a shallow song with not a lot of depth. Fall Out Boy’s Miss Missing You sounds much better even if it’s not a particularly thoughtful song either.

8th Avenue Serenade:

If you’re…
that adult who still loves Goodnight, Moon. It really is a cute book though (although repetitive). If you also feel that way, head to Green Day’s “Redundant.”

Drama Queen:

If you’re looking for…
the girlfriend of the song “King for a Day” by Green Day. [Announcer Speaking.] She is annoying and whiny, and he’s arrogant and a wannabe. (Both songs are great though).

X-Kid: reports the following: “This song was written for an unnamed pal of the band who committed suicide. Bassist Mike Dirnt explained to UK newspaper The Sun: “It was a friend of ours who took an early exit. He was a very close friend and he just never grew up. He just lived with his glory days behind him and didn’t realize that his glory days were now in front of him. We love him dearly but life happened.””

It just makes you respect the song more after knowing the history behind it.

* Sex, Drugs & Violence:

If you’re looking for…
the only other version of a horror movie. See “Blood, Sex and Booze” in the album Warning by Green Day.

A Little Boy Named Train:

If you’re wondering…
what his last name was, it’s track. If you’re skeptical, track is, in fact, a last name. Click here on the Anthroponomastics website, House of Names, to see where the last name springs from.


If you’re looking for…
the most forgettable song on the album.

Walk Away:

If you’re looking for…
a song that sounds like Green Day and middle school counselors partnered to send the cliché message “walk away if you have nothing nice to say.”

Dirty Rotten Bastards:

If you’re looking for…
a song that tried to be unique but just ended up being the same kind of different. The song is resurrected though at halfway through the six minutes when you hear the guitar solo.

99 Revolutions:

If you’re looking for…
that moment when you might actually start a revolution when your teacher gives you a ninety-nine and wonder why she couldn’t have just given you a one-hundred.

The Forgotten:

If you’re looking for…
something that will disappoint you. Green Day wrote this song and gave permission for it to appear on the Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn — Part 2 soundtrack. Great song, bad movie taste (even though, in their defense, it probably brought home the bacon).

Final Top Five Songs (Including Some Unpopular Opinions):

  1. “X-Kid”
  2. “Drama Queen”
  3. “A Little Boy Named Train”
  4. “99 Revolutions”
  5. “The Forgotten”
Photo Credit:

Revolution Radio (2016)-

This album only uses our society’s failures to show the darkness against the abundant light. Simply beautiful.

Somewhere Now:

If you’re looking for…
a song that completely breaks away from past styles of the band only to later also be tossed aside for the tone of Father of All…

* Bang Bang:

If you’re looking for…
a song that only people who aren’t psychos can appreciate.

Revolution Radio:

If you’re looking for…
damning lyrics.

* Say Goodbye:

If you’re looking for…
the way that I know Green Day is psychic. This album was released in 2016, but the song was written before then. They’ve created a soundtrack for 2020.


If you’re looking for…
a tragic song that shows the pitfalls of age but also the reminder that your youth leaves behind.

Bouncing Off the Walls:

If you’re looking for…
the worst song on the album.

Still Breathing:

If you’re looking for…
a reason why things can always get better.

* Youngblood:

If you’re looking for…
a better alternative to 5 Seconds of Summer’s Youngblood.

Too Dumb to Die:

If you’re looking for…
that neighbor who’s oblivious to the fact that their ‘friend next door’ has been kidnapping people. *Horror movie archetype*

Troubled Times:

If you’re looking for…
1968 and 2020.

* Forever Now:

If you’re looking for…
one of the most personal songs, but at the same time, you can hear the pandering.

* Ordinary World:

If you’re looking for…
that moment when you’re walking through a city and you wish you were in a movie because then, the moment would be captured.

Final Top Five Songs (Including Some Unpopular Opinions):

  1. “Bang Bang”
  2. “Ordinary World”
  3. “Outlaws”
  4. “Still Breathing”
  5. “Troubled Times”
Photo Credit: Wallpaper Cave

Father of All Motherfuckers (2020)-

A modern look at Green Day and how their style has morphed.

Father of All…:

If you’re looking for…
something unlike what you thought that Green Day’s latest album would be.

* Fire, Ready, Aim:

If you’re looking for…
the video of you hitting your brother with that large jug of Kool-Aid backwards.

* Oh Yeah:

If you’re looking for…
the song in the background of that internet provider service (I forgot which one). It’s catchy, but it is easy to become tired of.

Meet Me on the Roof:

If you’re looking for…
a person can actually access their roof. There’s a nice blend of a classic fifty’s sound and modern Green Day.

I Was a Teenager Teenager:

If you’re looking for…
a laugh. Green Day’s songs have remained more relevant than the new releases from other lasting rock and punk bands; although, this isn’t the best representation.

Stab You in the Heart:

If you’re looking for…
flashbacks to reading The Outsiders in English in middle school.

Sugar Youth:

If you’re looking for…
the best fan made lyric video that I’ve ever seen. I found the lyric video more intriguing than the song.

* Junkies on a High:

If you’re…
a cop looking to make some extra cash and you need motivation in your squad car. It’s darker than the rest of the songs on the album and more serious, but definitely an all-time favorite of mine.

Take the Money and Crawl:

If you’re looking for…
a scary nightmare. Imagine: You get robbed AND the thing that robbed you just crawls away and slithers into the dark like a snake.


If you’re looking for…
an end to this long list.

Final Top Five Songs (Including Some Unpopular Opinions):

  1. “Father of All”
  2. “Junkies on a High”
  3. “Fire, Ready, Aim”
  4. “Oh Yeah”
  5. “Stab You in the Heart”
Photo Credit:


Thanks for sticking with me and reading any or all of my reviews! I hope you enjoyed them, but if you think that I pinned a song wrong, let me know in the comments. If you want more of my Green Day content, head to my YouTube video or article.

