The Silversun Pickups and Their Rise to Fame

Rose Harmon
The Rise to Fame
Published in
8 min readDec 1, 2020
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Let me give you some examples: I say Freddie Mercury, you say “Bohemian Rhapsody.” I say “Here Comes the Sun,” you say the Beatles. I scream from the rooftops ‘R-E-S-P-E-C-T,’ you scream ‘What you want, baby, I got it.’

But while those bands and individuals deserve the recognition that they receive for their tasteful and groundbreaking melodies, many people are reluctant to open their minds to the unfamiliar and often times are left with music taste that is simply not eclectic or broad. It’s difficult to explore new possibilities sometimes, but I’ll make it easy for you:

If you like the Smashing Pumpkins- I give you the Silversun Pickups. If you don’t like the Smashing Pumpkins- I give you the Silversun Pickups.

Table of Contents

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Band History:

  • The Formation
  • Album History
  • Current Status
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Band Mates:

  • Brian Aubert
  • Nikki Monninger
  • Christopher Guanlao
  • Joe Lester

Band History

Based in Los Angeles, California, the alternative rock band, the Silversun Pickups, first formed in 2000. Regarding a question about the formation of the band during an interview with HD Radio Sound Space, Brian Aubert states, “…most things that happen to Silversun are just dumb luck.” And it’s true! In 1994, Nikki Monninger and Brian Aubert were on a flight to Cambridge for a school exchange program, meeting for the first time when, as Wikipedia writes, “Aubert noticed Monninger sitting across the aisle from him stealing alcohol from the drink cart by distracting the flight attendant.” She later reveals that this was because she was not old enough to legally order a drink.

In the early days of their formation, their name was originally A Couple of Couples. This is because of an allegation that said that two of the past members of the band were romantically involved with present members. It is rumored that Jack Kennedy (rhythm guitarist/record producer) was romantically involved with Monninger, and Elvira Gonzales (drummer) was romantically involved with Aubert. However, this claim is discredited by the band in an interview with where Aubert says, “That ‘Couple of Couples’ thing (it’s on their Wiki page) has come up a lot lately, and somehow it’s become fact. And that was never a fact.”

But, as of July of 2002, Christopher Guanlao (drummer) and Joe Lester (keyboardist) joined the band, replacing Kennedy and Gonzales, and have remained official members since.

Their current, and better known band name, the Silversun Pickups (SSPU) was later made their official title after making late night trips to a local liquor store called Silversun. These outings would be coined as Silversun pickups.

As of 2020, the band is still together and celebrating their twentieth year as a band. They’ve released six albums, their latest being in 2020. In order, the list goes as so: Pikul (2005,) Carnavas (2006,) Swoon (2009,) Neck of the Woods (2012,) Better Nature (2015,) and Widow’s Weeds (2019).

The Silversun Pickups are still preforming, albeit the location of where they live and work is unknown.

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Band Mates-

Brian Aubert (lead vocals and guitar)
Nikki Monninger (bass guitar and backing vocals)
Chris Guanlao (drums and percussion)
Joe Lester (keyboards, samples, sound manipulation, and occasional guitar)

Brian Aubert- Lead Singer and Guitarist

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Brian Aubert was born on June 12, 1976 in Topanga Canyon, California. Although there is a gap between when Aubert was born and his first musical memory, it is assumed that there were no life altering moments during this time that would be worth mentioning. Aubert recalls in a Guitar World interview that he started playing piano at seven, learning scales and the fundamentals of music early in his life. However, he did not have a particular interest in the music industry at first as he quotes in the interview, “…it was a time when parents were making their kids play piano even though they had no desire to. I was never into it, but I remember getting a classical guitar and just screwing around on it.” The guitar would become his true love.

He tells the interviewer that he then played the guitar in private from that moment on, never taking lessons, but self-teaching himself at night after closing the air conditioning vents. He says, “I’m sure the neighbors really hated it because I bet it sounded awful!”

Later, after meeting Nikki Monninger on a plane flight to Cambridge, they became roommates in a sanctuary for practicing musicians that Aubert writes as “an indie rock crash pad in Silverlake.” Touring bands would come and preform in the living room in the somewhat-commune and eventually, Aubert was pressured into starting a band. It was in 2000 when the newly formed band, A Couple of Couples, created a demo tape that included early versions of their songs “Lazy Eye” and “Kissing Families.”

As of 2020, Brian Aubert is married to Tracy Marcellino, a member of the band Oh Boy Les Mecs. It is unknown where he currently resides.

Nikki Monninger- Bass Guitar and Backing Vocals

Photo Credit: Monninger

Nikki Monninger was born on July 25, 1974 in Texas, United States. Unfortunately, information on Monninger’s childhood is scarce, and even though it is not known where her musical inspiration came from, she did not start playing the bass until very late in her life. She says in an interview with Bass Magazine, “When we first started the band, I had barely been playing bass. Brian and I were roommates and he was playing guitar, so I picked up the bass, and now here we are.”

It is known that she lived with Brian Aubert in Silver Lake for seven years as roommates, fooling around with their newly formed band for the first few years. Their name, Silversun Pickups, was derived from a liquor store close to their quarters. She even states in an interview with Houston Press that one of her favorite songs “Rusted Wheel” is particularly loved by her because it “brings me back to when Brian and I were roommates…and it just paints a picture of that time together.”

But although Monninger is a base fiend, she actually admits to having some doubts when it comes to live performances, mentioning in her interview with Bass Magazine that she is “still a hesitant singer” and that she gets “nervous playing live.” In an interview with ESPN though, the secret to her determination to avoid complacency is uncovered. She says, “I had that competitive streak in my bones,” she says while talking about her love of football and the memories she has of watching the sport with her family. The line that she bridges between her musical success as well as personal enjoyment and fitness is something seldom recognized today, and it’s one reason why many people see her as a successful person and musician.

Monninger is married and has two twin daughters that were born in 2012. It is unknown where she resides.

Christopher Guanlao- Drums and Percussion

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Christopher (Chris) Guanlao was born on May 25, 1975 in Los Angeles, California. His childhood remains, much like Nikki and Brian’s, ambiguous, largely due to the limited number of interviews that they’ve attended, but it is known that he joined the Silversuns in July of 2002 and has preformed with them ever since.

But even though he is a part of a widely successful band, he simply isn’t content with being only a part of one project. Guanlao is also an actor, known for appearing in Jennifer’s Body, Prom Night and Boot Camp. Remo also states that, “he has also composed music for the short films The Old Samurai and Reunion.”

He has appeared in most of the live performances hosted on talk shows with the band, and when asked to be on the Late Show With David Letterman’s Live From Letterman concert series, Guanlao relays what David Letterman said to him after the concert to Westword. “When we played David Letterman, he came over after we played and said, ‘Every time that drummer hits that crash, someone should win a prize,’” referring to the crash symbol’s position, as it’s adjusted to be unusually high on his drum set. The reason, he says, is also explained in the interview. “I like to get a big windup, but honestly it’s all just shits and giggles…It’s a little dramatic and fun to watch.”

His current and past marital status is unknown as well as his town and state of residency.

Joe Lester- Keyboards, Samples, Sound Manipulation, and Occasional Guitar

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Joe Lester is perhaps the most obscure Silversun. His date and place of birth is unknown and nothing is known about his childhood.

Whenever he does seem to enter the spotlight in interviews, he only talks about his musical life, the topic of which he rarely strays from. He mentions in an interview with Cleverock on April 20, 2016 when asked about his experience at Coachella, “It’s such a big thing to be a part of. It was a really good time.” He also says to Cleverock when talking about preforming in general, “‘Nothing beats playing in front of people and getting instant gratification,” Lester said. “I think that, in it of itself, is pretty energizing.’”

It is unknown where Lester lives and whether he is married and/or has children.

For anyone looking to listen to the Silversun Pickups, but doesn’t know where to start, click here to listen to them on YouTube and here to follow them on Instagram, where you’ll receive updates on their progress and latest originals and covers. Make sure to check out their latest release, a cover of “Toy Soldiers” by Martika. The link is included below.

Come back next time to explore the life of musicians from underrated to overrated from obscure to famous.

