A Book Review

“Too Late” by Colleen Hoover

With each page this book gets darker, and yet I couldn’t put it down.

Nikki H. Rose
The Riveting Review
3 min readSep 19, 2020


Photo by Artem Labunsky on Unsplash

I was not expecting this book. I’ve been religiously reading Colleen Hoover’s books lately, and most of them (at least the one’s I’ve picked up) have been largely focused on romance.

Now, so was this one, and while her other books had riveting plot twists and storylines that drove the story forward for readers keeping them on the edge of their seats, the romance is what many of Hoover’s readers feel attracted to in her books.

Even still, while there is romance in Too Late, the focus is actually the violence. The horrifically dark past of protagonist Sloan as she navigates her lack of hope for a better future. Her desperate need to survive and do what she’s needed to in order to take care of those she loves. Her inability to escape her pain without ruining her own life. Her despair. Her complete and utter loss of hope in humanity as she is constantly surrounded by everything she hates and is repulsed by.

But even her past and her present view of the world aren’t what caused me to be so surprised. Instead it was Hoover’s graphic descriptions and imagery of the violence itself. For anyone interested in reading this book, please be aware of the physical and…



Nikki H. Rose
The Riveting Review

Most people use writing to escape their minds. I use it to meet mine. | Writer ~ Reader ~ Reviewer ~ Fighter of Invisible Illnesses