LAHSA Increases Aid to Faith-Based Organizations and Small Service Providers to Better Address Homelessness

LA Homeless Services Authority
The Road Home
Published in
2 min readApr 18, 2024
LAHSA CEO Dr. Va Lecia Adams Kellum addresses community members in Torrance April 17, 2024.

To better support small community service providers and faith-based organizations, LAHSA is creating a funding pool to assist these groups in building their capacity to better serve our unhoused neighbors.

Currently, many small agencies and faith-based organizations provide basic needs services like food, clothing, hygiene support, temporary shelter, financial assistance, supportive services like workforce development, life skills education, and mental health services. However, they do this and more without LAHSA funding because of requirements related to the Request for Statement of Qualifications (RFSQ) for Certification as a Qualified Bidder for LAHSA Funding Opportunities.

Under the leadership of CEO Dr. Va Lecia Adams Kellum, LAHSA has prioritized outreach to these smaller organizations to better understand their needs and the barriers they have experienced in accessing public funding. Most small organizations said their greatest need is capacity building — developing an organizational structure and operational systems that will allow for more efficient and effective service provision. This includes financial administration support, information technology, contracting and grant management, leadership support (for example, help implementing new organizational structures), strategic planning, board development, and program administration support for activities like reporting, program evaluation, and collaboration with partners and subcontractors.

LAHSA aims to have a centralized funding pool of $500,000 for capacity building available toward the end of March. The intent is to build a proof of concept by testing a funding pool in South Los Angeles, before expanding it county-wide.

The goal is to create innovative pathways to funding that are more accessible and easier to navigate. Small service provider agencies and faith-based organizations provide community-based resources that are important parts of the homeless rehousing system in Los Angeles.

Overall, the hope is that these funding opportunities will prove to be sustainable and create long-lasting effects throughout Los Angeles County. Staff will report back to the LAHSA Commission to report on the impacts of this new funding pool before seeking expanded funding for fiscal year 2024–25.

