Welcome Home: Gloria

LA Homeless Services Authority
The Road Home
Published in
1 min readSep 22, 2023

In today’s permanent housing story, meet Gloria. Gloria and her family had nowhere to go and stayed in nine hotels across Los Angeles County. She was working and paying for the hotel rooms, but she didn’t realize there were resources available to help get her and her family back into permanent housing.

Gloria had taken in her granddaughters, who were in a bad situation, and she worried she was putting them in another bad situation. “How am I going to get them… where they need to go?”

Eventually, Gloria met LAHSA outreach team members Josh and Danny, who immediately helped with hotel vouchers and food. Eventually, the two connected Gloria with resources that allowed her and her family to move into an apartment. Josh and Danny took her to view apartments, and she filled out an application at one. By that night, the landlord signed off on it and handed her the keys, leaving her yelling, “I got it!”

Congratulations, Gloria, and welcome home!

