8 Ways to Finally Stop Complaining

Buck Stewart
The Road of Trials
7 min readSep 4, 2019


In the early days of my first few years in corporate America, every day felt like a 10-alarm fire.

Our under-manned team ran from crisis to crisis dealing with what we could before having to move on to the next issue.

One hot California summer day, I remember being so busy I missed lunch and when I finally got a break the cafeteria was closed.

Walking back to my desk visibly annoyed, my colleague, a retired Marine Recon officer, stopped me and asked what was up.

I rattled off some expletive-laden complaint about being too busy to even eat.

Knowing I was a newly minted officer in the Reserve he looked me dead in the eye and told me, “That is not how an officer conducts himself. Don’t ever let your people see you complain like that.”

The look in his eye and the way he delivered his words cut deep. I respected him and I knew he was right. So, I nodded and walked away carrying with me a healthy dose of shame.

The good kind. The kind that made me want to change my attitude.

I’d like to say this was the moment that everything changed. That I never complained again.

I’d like to say that. But I can’t



Buck Stewart
The Road of Trials

I run The Road of Trials, a publication dedicated to inspiring action and providing hard-won strategies for achievement, mental fortitude, and leadership.