Kesha: A True Warrior

Kesha cannot and will not be stopped.

Mary Belle Gosch
Commit to Serve
4 min readJul 23, 2017


A frigid Friday morning on February 19, 2016, in New York City, surrounded by barren trees and bodyguards, there is only one thing on Kesha’s mind that day. Passing the huge stone columns to enter the court-house, in an all white outfit donning the appearance of rebirth and purity would be in sharp contrast when she sits down on the cold, dark wooden bench of the wood paneled courtroom. Kesha anxiously waits to hear the verdict that will determine the fate of her recording career. With tears streaming down her face, Kesha hears the earth shattering news coming from New York State’s Supreme Court Justice Shirley Kornreich’s mouth. She begins to sob as she realizes what has just been said: all of her claims were dismissed. Kesha claimed to be the victim of emotional and sexual abuse and workplace discrimination at the hand of Lukasz Sebastian Gottwald (aka Dr. Luke), but the executive producer and CEO of Kemosabe Records remains untouched. Kesha had to remain in her record deal with Kemosabe Records.

All I ever wanted was to be able to make music without being afraid, scared, or abused. This case has never been about a renegotiation of my record contract — it was never about getting a bigger, or a better deal. This is about being free from my abuser.” -Kesha

Kesha was then faced with the most difficult question of her life: Would she have to quit doing the thing that she loved most because she was not going to be released from her record deal? Kesha’s long-time passion and love had always been music, and although she remained in the contract, she was defiant. Kesha was absolutely trapped and felt utterly powerless. She changed her identity as an artist and went from being the solo recording artist Kesha to a member of Kesha and the Creepies that would go on the “Fuck the World Tour.” She was mad at the world and the result of the trial so she released this frustration the one way she knew how, and that was through music. After this tour, the band soon disbanded and she began to work on her own music again.

“Why have I been abandoned by everyone and everything I’ve ever known, I’ve ever loved? Stranded. What is the lesson? What is the point?” Quote from Kesha’s song “Praying

Returning to her solo career she released new songs,“Praying” and “Woman” while she is still in her contract with Kemosabe Records. These are songs that are much different than anything she has ever produced before. These are the songs about freedom and life after her abuse. These songs show the internal and external fight that Kesha has been struggling with for so many years and comes close to directly addressing Dr. Luke.“Praying” was Kesha’s first single in four years. This new album “Rainbow” has been a self-proclaimed beginning for Kesha. This is just the beginning of a new chapter for Kesha in her career and life. She is a warrior and will remain to be resilient when the odds are stacked to what seems to be insurmountably high against her. A warrior is someone who follows their passions and dreams to the ends of the earth regardless of the obstacles that they may come across. In Kesha’s song “Praying” the message of love and compassion shows that her passion makes her the warrior she is today. When she felt alone and dejected, she rose above this and creates art to express herself. This song is one filled with a high pitch scream during the chorus hoping for change and remorse from the person she is addressing, and this plea for change is one that she undoubtedly asked herself.

“Well, you almost had me fooled, Told me that I was nothing without you.Oh, but after everything you’ve done I can thank you for how strong I have become.” -Kesha in her song “Praying

Kesha has found her peace after four years of not producing any music, and she has found her voice once again. Kesha’s music and passion are forever changed because of her experiences and abuse. Her music is a culmination of so much more than catchy beats and shallow verses. Her songs are more than chants about brushing her teeth with a bottle of jack, and yelling about being a “Warrior” as in her song title. She is a warrior now because of this major triumph. This warrior has overcome many setbacks and obstacles in her journey, but she proves over and over again that she is a woman driven by her passion. She has consistently produced music since she was 17 years old, and if everyone thought she would stop because of one man’s actions they were sorely mistaken. No one can quench her desire to perform and she never stopped performing and loving her art. Kesha has proven just how tough she is once again, and by releasing new music addressing the man who put her through the worst moments of her life under his own record label, she remains irrepressible. Kesha is a warrior. Warriors are more than what they have been through, and they are stronger than anything they will come to face.



Mary Belle Gosch
Commit to Serve

I am a student at The University of Georgia. My intended major is Finance.