She took the road less traveled and she paved it toward success

Taraji P. Henson endures hardships in order to achieve the dream.

Carah Jones
Commit to Serve
5 min readJul 8, 2017


Taraji P. Henson at the Hidden Figures premiere

“It is quite groundbreaking, isn’t it? It’s supposed to be over for me at 46, but here I am. I’m a late bloomer, and I’m okay with that. Know why? Late bloomers last looong,” Henson tells W Magazine. The Academy Award winning Taraji P. Henson is bold, gorgeous, hilarious, confident, motivated, but will never claim that any of her success was achieved without hard work and commitment to her dream. Her testimony touches thousands of people due to her perseverance through social barriers and her commitment to correcting her own mistakes.

While reflecting over her extremely successful career during her interview with W Magazine, Henson made it clear that great things take time and that there will be tribulation in the midst of every journey to success. Born into a family located in the dark and dangerous parts of Washington, D.C., Henson stepped up and created a name and legacy for herself. Her story has potential to light a fire of inspiration inside of every under privileged female following in her footsteps.

From the beginning, Henson felt called to adventure. In her teen years, Henson experienced her first career based trial when she auditioned for a performing arts school and was denied. After completing school at Oxon Hill High School, she continued her journey to becoming an educated woman at a college in North Carolina. Henson faced trial after trial as she failed out of pre-calculus and transferred to Howard University to study theatre on her own dime. While working two jobs to pay for her classes, Henson faces what most students would consider to be one of the biggest curve balls life could throw at a determined young woman in the midst of her journey to success. In her second to last year in college, Henson unexpectedly learned that she was pregnant.

At this point in her career, Henson was majoring in theatre and was working a second job as a performer on a cruise ship, all while completing her regular college courses as a junior. Although the life she was pursuing for herself was already physically, mentally, and financially demanding, she insists on keeping the baby and perseveres through her last year of college. By earning her college diploma in 1995, Henson became a role model to a variety of young girls that will one day learn about her selfless act of bravery.

Taraji and her son, Marcel, on the red carpet

“Most successful young people don’t look inside and then plan a life. They look outside and find a problem, which summons their life.” Henson’s “problem” found her. The bravery she showed to her unborn child is an inspiration within itself. The success she earned despite her major setback, is now known as a legacy. Henson’s pregnancy could be considered to be the abyss of her life. This situation had potential to take her all the way back to her starting point in her home in D.C. Instead, Henson found the determination, power, and capability within herself and conquered her own world, while creating a new world for someone else.

The beauty is in the success. The story of Taraji P. Hensen, if ended right now, would be influential enough to go viral in this day and age. Hensen did not stop at a degree and a child, because her dreams for herself were bigger and her drive and ambition was greater. With her dream still in mind, Hensen packed up her belongings and headed to Los Angeles to officially begin pursuit at a career in the acting world.

After years of auditions and gigs and shows and appearances, and part time work in attempt to provide for herself and her son, in 2009, Hensen was nominated for her first Academy Award and SAG Award for her role as Brad Pitt’s caretaker in the movie The Mysterious Case of Benjamin Button. Consider this stage in Henson’s life the atonement stage. The world, at this point, is now in her hands and she has worked for and reached her very own place of content.

Henson goes on to achieve many nominations, win many awards, and inspire millions. BET Awards, MTV Awards, Golden Globes, Emmy awards, and the satisfaction of being successful after what seemed like going through hell and back are all accomplishments worth being proud of.

“Is it getting better for women, black women? I don’t know. It’s been great for me! I own six properties, I’m out of the hood, and my son don’t know the hood,” she said with a laugh.” Taraji P. Henson, is a conqueror of minority disadvantages, hardships, financial instability, and the odds that were not in her favor. Henson is an influence, a success story, and a beautifully independent woman. May her story bless all the young people chasing towards a dream. May every gender, color, or status benefit from her courageous legacy.

Taraji giving her acceptance speech at the Golden Globe Awards

