The Road To Pro #4— Ebb and Flow

The Road To Pro
Published in
3 min readOct 11, 2017
Season 6 Goal : Top 500

Im extremely late for this blogpost, but better late than never !

So .. a lot happened in the last months.


First, the captain of my team left the esport world at the beggining of september for personal reason. He was our lucio player, and in this phase of the Overwatch esports scene, Lucio players in the GrandMaster ranks are extremely rare to find since they’re all in a team. After 2 weeks of searching every discord and forums for a Lucio player to fill our roster, i had to take a decision. The team motivation was slowly dying, and no one was doing anything to change the situation so i took the problem in my own hands. Im a pretty flexible player and i learn quickly, so i proposed my team to become the new Lucio player and to start looking for a GM flex DPS ( wich is really easy to find right now ). They all agreed, and after only 2 days, we already had more than 5 tryouts scheduled for the week.


The tryouts were all extremely good ! We found so Genji gods that were extremely fun to play with. After a week, we had 2–3 candidate and we were all excited about bringing any of them in the team. I was working mad hours outside of the team schedule to get my Lucio skills up, all our scrims ended up in laughs and smiles and the over all team vibe was quite positive. I even found someone to coach 3 hours every weeks !


Once we finally made our choice on who we wanted to bring in the team, we finally offered him the spot but to our suprise, he kindly refused to accept another offer. We ended up bringing back some of our other candidates to do another round of tryouts and in one of those, something unexpected happen. Around mid scrimm, our main tank got frustrated by some of the stuff happening in the game and left the scrimm and our discord without any warning. After ending the scrimm, we had a talk with him to clear things up ( we’re all good ) but he basically chose to leave Competitive Overwatch for personal reason too. After having a talk with the 3 other member left in the team, we took a 1 week break to clear our heads up. I took the opportunity to take a 1 week break of Overwatch and the grind as a whole.


I have to say the 1 week break ended up being extremely fruitful. While i was chilling,browsing psychological studies ( we all have our way to chill okay ?! ) i ended up on the work of Dr. Jordan B Peterson. I cant really describe all of his work in text but it really helped me gain a new perspective on a ‘’lifepuzzle’’i was trying to complete. It brought back a fire that motivated me to get out of the bad mood i was in as quick as possible and to go back grinding. I learned a lot while i was with that team, but after our 1 week break, we chose to separate and to go work on our ‘’Craft’’ until everyone reaches the top 500 ladder. Anime Style.

So here i am ! Back to the lone wolf life.

I only have around 20 days left before i’ll need to get a new job. It will greatly impact the time i can dedicate to the competitive overwatch grind, and its scary that i wasnt able to reach my top 500 Goal or to accomplish something with the team i had while i had all the time i wanted to work on those goals …Anyway, there’s pros that done it with much worst situation than mine , i can only only move forward !

Like my favorite rapper Russ would say :

‘’ Aint no destination man the journey is everything ‘’.

