8 Insights to Help You Discover Your Life Purpose

Stop wondering why you’re here and start living a meaningful life.

Maja Savic
The Road to Wellness


girl on the beach
Photo by Cody Black on Unsplash

Several years ago, I started my coaching practice and decided to get trained to be a Life Purpose Coach. I realized I had been helping people discover their life purpose “unofficially” for years, so I figured I might as well get certified.

The thing is, I have been living my purpose for most of my life, and I couldn’t imagine it any other way. I wish more people would live that way, as it truly makes a difference. Knowing why you’re here on Earth is life-changing! It just feels right, and you just know at the moment that it’s exactly what you should be doing.

So, where do you even start?

I’ll break down the process that helped me clarify what my purpose is and how to implement it into your daily life.

1. Time travel to your early days.

Until the age of 6–7, we are influenced by our parents, society, teachers, friends, and people in our life. These influences help form the belief systems that affect us for life (or at least until we decide to change it). Our beliefs are formed in that early period, and guess what — most of them aren’t even ours. This is why it’s good to look at what you think, say, and…



Maja Savic
The Road to Wellness

Holistic Coach & Healer, Spiritual Mentor, Meditation & Mindfulness Teacher, Vocalist and Motivational Speaker based in Paris. https://qinspiredlife.com/