8 Reasons Why Quitting Sugar Is Probably Harder Than Quitting Drinking or Smoking!

And when I say “quit sugar,” it’s not only the stuff that tastes sweet…

Andil Petzer
The Road to Wellness
6 min readFeb 28, 2020


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As an adult, you’ve probably done dry January or tried to stop drinking or smoking at some point in your life, right?

But have you ever tried quitting sugar?

What about quitting both alcohol and sugar at the same time? Or is that just reserved for the crazies, like me!?

And when I say “quit sugar,” it’s not only the stuff that tastes sweet…

We’re talking about ALL the conspiring culprits that first spike your blood sugar level and then plummets you down to earth with a mighty smack.

These little darlings include carbs (rice, pasta, bread), almost anything prepackaged and bought in-store, and even most fruit AND some vegetables!

Water diet, anyone?

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Sugar = Alcohol = Nicotine = Drugs?

All of these addictive substances have the same effect — they make us feel “high” one way or the other.

Whether that happy high is from dopamine or serotonin doesn’t matter, all you know is it makes you feel great…for a short while.

To make matters worse, the more you have of one, the more you want the other. Try saying no to that bag of chips at 10 pm — after 3 glasses of wine!

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AND…if you do try quitting one substance, you’ll probably be running to another in two seconds flat.

Ever been to an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting? Everybody is standing outside either smoking, drinking coffee by the gallon, or nibbling on something.

Because, in the end, these drugs are exactly the same thing…A crutch, a quick pick me upper. In fact, most alcohol is just a glass full of sugar and carbs* anyway!

* “Just one large glass of wine has the same calorie content as many indulgent foods.”

And what’s the use of quitting alcohol and gorging your face with pie after cake after chocolate?

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Yes, no hangovers, but the effects of sugar will still wreak havoc with your body and brain and make you feel sh*t.

“The unpleasantness you’re left with several hours after going all-in on sweets (headache, fatigue, shakiness, general crappiness) can feel eerily like a booze-induced hangover.”

All we’re “achieving” is substituting one drug for the next. The addictive behaviour continues — but that’s another topic altogether.

Why is it so damn hard to quit sugar?

Oh, let us count the ways!

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Feel free to go through your cupboards and pick up any store-bought product. Chances are there’s some form of sugar hidden in there.

“In fact, one serving (1/4 pizza) of Red Baron Barbecue Chicken pizza contains a whopping 21 grams (4 teaspoons) of sugar (8).”

Who would have thought that a pizza could hide that much sugar in all that yummy salty cheesiness??

2. Thinking It’s Easy As Pie To Quit

You’ll happen upon many an article that claims it’s mind over matter and just be strong!

But making people think it’s easy to quit sugar is half the problem.

If you don’t prepare people for the hard truth, they will feel like it’s a simple case of will-power, and when they fail, the cycle begins again. Eat sugar to feel better about failing…

So the age-old saying “Failing to prepare is preparing to fail” really hits home here.

Interested in quitting sugar? Take it seriously and compare it to quitting a hardcore drug, which it actually is — in my humble opinion.

One research article showed that mice prefer sugar over cocaine, even after having been addicted to cocaine for a while…How insane is that!?

3. Food Companies Are Downplaying The Harm!

Many researchers have tried to spread the word about the dire consequences of a high sugar diet. But organizations like the Sugar Association constantly fight back to combat any negative publicity.

4. Sugar Is Widely Advertised

Although companies aren’t allowed to advertise alcohol or cigarettes, they ARE allowed to advertise sugar-laden products to their heart’s content — even to kids!

Although they are clamping down on blatant marketing to kids, we all dread the sweets shelves “conveniently” placed on BOTH sides while you wait to pay for your groceries.

Show me a parent that hasn’t placated a wailing child with a chocolate bar, and I’ll show you a cold, heartless human being. Just joking…you’re stronger than me!

5. Quitting Sugar = Higher Grocery Bill

Sugar could be the only addictive substance that doesn’t save you money when giving it up. It will probably cost you more than if you just stayed with your wicked ways.

The conundrum is you’re not just cutting out one item, you’re probably cutting out 90% of the usual things you eat. And these usual things are mostly cheaper than fresh vegetables, seeds, nuts, meat and fruit.

Not to mention the extra time spent in the kitchen preparing food from scratch!

6. Anyone Is Allowed To Buy And Consume Sugar

Alcohol and nicotine are controlled substances and not for sale to people under a certain age.

On the completely opposite side of the spectrum lays sugar…even a 1-day old baby is “allowed” to have sugar.

7. Sugary Innocence

On the surface, the adverse effects of sugar aren’t as apparent as the definite destructive powers of alcohol and illegal drugs.

Perhaps we can refer to it as the “super-slow killer?”

We don’t see sugar addicts losing their houses or hurting their families, do we? Well, perhaps not in such a blatantly obvious way as other substances do.

Although more and more research is linking sugar consumption to an incredible host of ailments (even cancer), the efforts seem buried under the blaring horn of marketing fuelled by a seemingly unlimited budget.

8. Social Pressure From A Very Young Age

If you’ve managed to run a tight, healthy ship at home, the introduction (indoctrination more like it) to the fantastical world of sweets and junk food is lurking at nursery school.

Apart from the schools serving sugar-laden muffins and yoghurt for breakfast, and chicken nuggets and chips for lunch, the influence reaches much further than that.

Mary sees Sally eating a packet of chips and a bar of chocolate as a snack, but “poor” Mary only has a banana, some nuts and a healthy muffin.

Next thing you know your little angel is refusing to eat the good stuff and demands that her mommy also packs yummy snacks.

Not to mention the lavish kiddies-parties where all but the chairs are sugar-coated.

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So What’s My Point?

Quitting sugar ain’t for the faint-hearted.

Was it hard to quit sugar and alcohol at the same time?


I tried twice and on my third try right now! I’m finally at a stage where I’m not craving sugar — yay!

Upsides Of Quitting Sugar

  • More energy
  • More focus
  • Eating less in general (Because all the yummy, crave-worthy stuff is the convenient ones!)

Hardest Part Of Quitting Sugar?

The first week.

The whole reason why I quit was to increase my energy, focus and motivation. So trying to finalize a hoard of projects during this period was a bit tricky…

Withdrawal Symptoms

  • Depressed
  • Lethargic
  • Snappy
  • Loss of motivation

But now I’m here on the other side and finally writing an article again!

What’s your vice?

Mine? I’m partial to a couple of glasses of wine and cake and chocolate and chips and sweets!

I’d LOVE to know what you’ve quit and what was the hardest substance for you?

PS: Read my latest article — “Why you shouldn’t say: “I’m NEVER drinking again!”

