9 (Amazing) Health Benefits in Carrots You Probably Didn’t Know

This vibrant veggie has so much more to offer than adding a pop of color and sweetness to our favorite dishes.

Crystal Mathews
The Road to Wellness


Photo by mali Maeder: https://www.pexels.com/photo/orange-carrots-on-table-143133/

Carrots are one of the world’s most popular vegetables. They are a great source of many nutrients. The health benefits of eating carrots vary from person to person.

They may slightly impact some aspects of your health or have a much more noticeable one.

There are benefits of eating carrots for almost everyone, even those who don’t regularly consume them. Most adults eat carrots now and then.

However, children and those new to carrots should eat them more often. If you aren’t eating many carrots, here is some information on the health benefits of carrots:

Vitamin A

Folate and Carrots Folate, also called folic acid, is a B vitamin. It plays an essential role in DNA synthesis and the health of the nervous system.

Folate is also essential for healthy eyesight. It helps prevent macular degeneration, an age-related condition that affects one in four people over 65.

The body needs vitamin A to metabolize folate. Vitamin A is found in a wide variety of foods, but carrots are one of…



Crystal Mathews
The Road to Wellness

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