How do I use Instagram for Building Positive Habits?

I chose Instagram as my accountability partner to do this challenge every day without fail.

Sushma Gurram
The Road to Wellness
3 min readNov 12, 2021


Image Source: Pixabay

Before I started freelance writing, I never really used Instagram much. Forget about posting or creating stories; I never really opened the app on my mobile phone!

After launching my writing career in February 2021, I realized the importance of building a personal brand. Naturally, Instagram was the LAST thing that popped my brain to use for personal branding.

But, one day, I happened to watch a Youtube video on doing 108 sun salutations for 30 days by Anita Bokepalli, a Youtuber who shares videos on self-discovery and joyful living. Suddenly I felt an urge to do it. I have seen gazillion videos on 30-day fitness challenges, but nothing inspired me to start one myself before that day.

But I wanted to do a modified version where I would do at least 15–20 salutations every day instead of 108 as I have 90 min of dance class almost four days a week. I didn’t want to stress my body with 108 salutations. So, I began doing 5 sun salutations from the very next day.

If you are thinking, “what was Instagram’s role in this challenge?

I chose Instagram as my accountability partner to do this challenge every day without fail. I posted Instagram stories daily to share my progress with the small network I already have there. As days progressed, I started to become more disciplined in doing sun salutations.

Source: Author’s Instagram story

And by the time I reached the 15th day, I felt a sense of accomplishment. Above all, I received positive comments from many people in and out of my network, saying my stories inspired them to work out on some days. I found my driving factor to be consistent in my challenge. With this newly found enthusiasm, I successfully reached the 30th day of the challenge.

Source: Author’s Instagram story

My love for 30-day challenges didn’t stop here with sun salutations. I went on to do a 30-day running challenge next followed by a 30-day push-ups challenge. I used to suck at push-ups and now I do a handful of them with proper posture and alignment.

How does posting Instagram stories make me feel accountable?

  1. No one likes to fail in public: At least that’s what worked for me in my first few days. I announced my 30-day challenge on Instagram where all my friends can see what I did. It kind of created a sense of responsibility towards my goals.
  2. Love & Support from the community: But soon after I started the challenge I started to receive messages from my friends, family, and even complete strangers saying that my stories have been inspiring them to do some physical activity in their day too.
Source: Author’s Instagram
Source: Author’s Instagram

Now, this is what I call the power of building a positive community which helps us do more than we think we can do. Currently, I’m doing a 90-day writing challenge where today is my 16th day. I know for a fact that I am going to finish it at any cost.

Have you ever done any challenges that push you out of your comfort zone and made you stronger than you were?



Sushma Gurram
The Road to Wellness

Writes about Health and Wellness, Hobbies, Anger Management