Incurable Chronic Condition That Is Making My Life Hell Every day

Life isn’t easy to live for anyone, it’s relatively more hard for me

The Road to Wellness
3 min readAug 24, 2021


Photo Credit:- Sharon McCutcheon On Unsplash

Disabilities and disorders are part of life. There are so many people who are suffering from disorders and disabilities. It’s hard to live life with chronic disorders that seem incurable.

I am one of them. I am suffering from genetic psoriasis for the last 5 years. This chronic disease is incurable. I don’t know when I will be free from psoriasis.

Living life with psoriasis is an achievement in itself. Living a normal life with psoriasis is hard. If you don’t know what is psoriasis then let me introduce you to this incurable disease.

An overactive immune system causes skin cells to develop and multiply too quickly in this common autoimmune disorder. Excess cells form plaques on the skin’s surface, which are itchy, red, painful, and scaly regions that can be bothersome and even debilitating. They can also be ugly and unpleasant for many sufferers.

I was diagnosed with this disease when I was around 18. I am the only one with psoriasis in my family.

From waking up in the morning to the night, it’s hard to manage patches and red skin. Whenever I put my leg outside the house, I have to apply creams and lotions to protect my skin. Sometimes, going outside is feels like going to war.

It is really annoying when someone asks me hey are you okay, you are having red skin over there. I felt really embarrassed to tell you that I have psoriasis.

Living life with confidence is impossible for people who are suffering from psoriasis. Whenever someone asks me about it, it felt like my all achievement are nothing in front of these diseases.

Psoriasis made me introverted. I don’t do socializing much. I have to think twice before going anywhere or doing anything.

Sometimes, the patches become very thick and sometimes it bleeds. Every other recipe is a trigger for this condition. Lemon, flour, wheat are some common triggers for me. If I am going to make a list of products that affect my condition, then it will be going to be really long read.

After suffering from it, I was just recently diagnosed with psoriasis arthritis. I was having a little bit of knee pain in the initial days. After some time, my whole body was in pain and I had to get myself checked.

I have just started medications for this disease. Psoriasis is not just a skin thing, it gradually damaged the whole body.

The most important thing for any psoriasis patient in everyday behaviors are big deal for them. If I stop my medications for even a single day, my whole body skin affects by breakouts.

We, psoriasis patients, have to handle the judgments from the people. No one like to see the red face of people. I even lost so many of my friends just because of this situation.

The mental stress we go through is a really hard thing. I was constantly under pressure just because of this skin condition.

When you are a psoriasis patient, you are always afraid to come in front of people. It’s just not damaged my Physical health, but it also affects my mental health also.

In addition, you never know which treatment will work for you. People just give you random advice to follow. I have gone through so many different kinds of treatments, however, nothing works best for me until now.

Regular exercise and a healthy diet help me a lot. The disease that impacts my entire life. My goal, ambitions, dreams, health, and everything.

Your body and mind need to be in a proper place to live a happier life. Just because of this condition, it’s hard to live a healthy and happy life.

These are just the short effects that I go through because of psoriasis. Anyone who had psoriasis or suffers from this condition will relate to this.

Let’s hope for the best in the future.



The Road to Wellness

Web developer, engineering student. I am here to learn and share my thoughts.