🪻It’s Almost Spring!

Self-Care Ideas for Spring

Carrie Scharf
The Road to Wellness


Photo by Carrie Scharf

I love spring! I get so excited when I see daffodils blooming because I know warm weather and sunshine are coming soon, and I can spend time outside again. I love all the colors in the flowers blooming. What’s your favorite season?

Here are some cozy self-care ideas for spring:

🚶🏿Go For a Walk

Just get up and move. You won’t be sorry you did. It doesn’t have to be a big sweaty mess; you can just take a slow walk in the park or down the street. Enjoy the flowers, birds, and sunshine.

Photo by Carrie Scharf

If you want to walk at home, check out Leslie Sansone’s videos. I just love walking with her.

đź“–Read Outside

Find a quiet spot outside to read a book or magazine. Let the fresh air and natural surroundings enhance your reading experience.

Check out this post about ways to enjoy reading outside.

Dos and Don’ts for Reading Outside

5 Reasons You Should Read Outside



Carrie Scharf
The Road to Wellness

Hi! I'm Carrie an author and skincare maker. I love experimenting with ingredients and finding ways to solve skincare issues.