It’s Never Too Late To Start Over

Get Things Done — Now!

Isabel Young
The Road to Wellness
3 min readJan 6, 2022


Photo by Ron Lach from Pexels

What is Aging Well?

We all know that we’re aging.

But what does it mean to age well?

Aging well entails reducing the risk for disease and maintaining a high quality of life with less pain and fewer limitations on activities and social interactions.

This can be achieved by incorporating healthy behaviors into your daily routine: eating a nutritious diet, exercising regularly, finding ways to manage stress, and getting enough sleep at night.

Signs That You May Be Too Old:

To So What You Used To Be Able To Do:

As we age, our body changes, and so do our skill sets.

Too Old For Some Activities:

1) You have a hard time bending down or kneeling.

2) Bending over or reaching up has become difficult.

3) You have a hard time walking on your heels or toes.

4) It is harder for you to push yourself up from a sitting position than it used to be.

5) Heavy lifting has become more challenging than before.

6) You are unable to balance on one foot as you once could before.

How To Stay Fit As You Get Older:

It is important to stay fit as you get older.

It is beneficial for your physical and mental state.

As you age, you will need to be more conscious of what you are doing because your metabolism slows down.

This means that it will take longer for your muscles to repair themselves after they are broken down at the gym.

The best way to stay fit when you are getting older is to work out with weights, do plenty of stretching, and be active each day.

You should also try to stay mentally active by reading books, volunteering around town, taking some classes at the local community college or library.

Final Thoughts: Keep Doing What You Can Still Do:

It’s not just about being able to live life to the fullest. It’s also about being able to live with dignity. As we age, it’s normal for our abilities to change.

What’s important is that we still do what we can.

Older people are often unsure of whether or not they should retire or continue working.

They often feel that they are contributing to society and want to continue working, but also want to enjoy their free time.

They should keep doing what they can still do.

Some people think older people need to stop working when they get older, but that’s not always the case.

For some people work is a way of keeping their mind sharp and their bodies active while reducing isolation or loneliness.



Isabel Young
The Road to Wellness

Motivational, Mindset, Health & Getting Better with Age - Helping people improve what they think and how they feel about themselves.