When You Ask, Believe ThatYou’ve Received

Ask, Believe, Receive

Merlyn Reena
The Road to Wellness
4 min readFeb 13, 2023


Image by the author

We all desire to achieve our goals and realise our dreams, but some of us are caught up in the muck of our personal battles- both in the mind and external.

Life doesn’t seem to get any easier, and our responsibilities multiply by the day. The Law Of Attraction works only if you work, and pure grinding and hustling are not quite enough either.

The bridge between your thoughts and their physical manifestation of it is quite a puzzle. But from my personal experience, the best way to go about life is to first get crystal clear with your end goals.

Second, think and research ways to get there. Third, ask for help, read the necessary books, and learn the skills. Fourth, be flexible to Life’s change of plans and unexpected plot twists and events.

Fifth, don’t be afraid to fail, don’t be afraid to bounce back and keep going at it over and over again. Finally, believe that what you truly desire will be yours and have faith in yourself and in Life, for it’s working out for you.

Every seemingly bad incident and unfair circumstance is there only to move you forward. Learn from Life instead of arguing and victimising yourself.

This “I’m hopeless-helpless mindset” has to go. Every seamlessly irrelevant minuscule event occurring in your life is only happening to make you smarter, wiser, happier, wealthier, and stronger.

All obstacles are intended to flourish you. You’re asking all the wrong questions when you say, “Why does this have to happen to me?” Instead, tell yourself, “I must be incredibly lucky to be facing difficult challenges and tricky situations.” Why?

Because maybe this is preparing you for the massive success that you always dreamed of. Maybe you need to get good at problem-solving for the business that you forever dreamed of starting.

You’ve got to start to read between the lines. A surface problem is there only to point you in the right direction. Maybe you need a change in course, and this problem is here to redirect you.

Are your once close loved ones turning against you? Maybe it’s time to weed out all the bad ones that don’t align with your future self. There’s always a silver lining, so stop feeling so defeated and deflated.

Have faith in yourself and know that you’re the prize; know that no matter what, you will make it. Because ultimately, it comes down to your mindset. A crappy mindset discounts your talent, efforts, and abilities. Why?

Because if you don’t believe that you are worthy of success and laurels, you will probably be exuding the same kind of energy. A beat-down mind will never try. When they are knocked down, they stay on the ground. And life is for the fiercest of them all.

It requires you to keep bouncing back after each failure has knocked you down. I always see failure as a feedback system that is trying to tell you where you’re going wrong.

It’s not telling you that you’re a failure. It’s telling you that you lack key strategies and have misdirected your energy to secondary, less important areas. Maybe you need to double down on your efforts, maybe you need to plan better. Whatever the weakness, it’s highlighting it.

For, failure is not a character trait; it’s a problem you’ve failed to detect and/or solve. The way to your dreams is to stay grounded and laser-focused on what you want.

If you have an unquenchable desire, that’s all you need to succeed. Don’t look at your physical reality. Great things are born from the realm of the unseen. No one sees your thoughts, but your thoughts are the most powerful force in helping you create your reality.

So, focus on your mind’s reality and only on it. Stay deluded with your physical reality, for it really means nothing. We are forever working hard to change the external, but that’s not what needs changing.

What truly needs changing is your internal environment- your mind, your body, and your emotions. Change your inner reality, and you’ll be effortlessly changing your external.

The thoughts you are constantly brewing in your mind turn into stronghold belief systems, and your beliefs elicit emotions, and your emotions trigger actions. So, if you want to change your behaviour, change your thoughts first.

“ You become what you believe. You are where you are today in your life based on everything you have believed.”

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