Your Mind Is Everything: Create Your Reality

How to change your thoughts that change your world

Fazeela Usman
The Road to Wellness
3 min readFeb 26, 2024


Photo by Kristina V on Unsplash

Your mind is the most important thing you have. Nothing else comes close! Someone once said, "Our minds can turn our heaven into hell or our hell into heaven."

Do you agree with this? I think this is a very true and powerful statement. Here are some reasons why your mind matters so much.

What your mind can do:

Limit your potential

I have never seen anyone who has achieved more than what their mind allows them to. Their mind keeps them stuck. So, someone might be very good at something but never get a chance to show their skills or potential because they think they are not good enough.

It doesn't matter if you think you are good or bad; you are right. But why would you choose to think you are bad instead of good?

  • This is not about being arrogant.
  • It is not about thinking you are better than everyone else - you are not; it is about thinking you are not worse than anyone else.
  • It is not about thinking you can't be replaced but about not being afraid of losing your place.

Sometimes, these mental limits we have are influenced by the people who were supposed to give us positive feedback.

When we were young - maybe a teacher or a parent. Because some of these people constantly put us down and made us feel worthless, so we started to believe that about ourselves: worthless.

This is why you have more mental challenges to overcome if you grew up in a negative environment.

Words like "crazy," "dumb," "mad," and many others have hurt us. We subconsciously accept them as our reality and carry them to adulthood.

This is the thing: correct kids when you need to. But, always try to separate their actions from their personalities. Something like this would be better: "That was not a nice thing to say" instead of "You never say anything smart." The first sentence criticizes the kid's behavior, while the other insults the kid in a mean way.

These words can stay with some kids forever. They follow them to adulthood and affect their mindset.

Close your heart to opportunities

You might have heard the saying, "Opportunities come once in a lifetime." But how true is that? It is not very realistic. Opportunities come almost every day. We are responsible for the ones we take and how we use them. Don't forget that every day you live is an opportunity to do something new to improve your career, skill, or life in general.

Pull you down while you want to go up
Your mind is not just powerful; it's your source of power!

Many people have wished for a better life, but their mindset has not supported that idea. You can tell by how they talk when they are asked how much they want to be paid in a job interview, when they are making a business plan, or when they are planning to get married. They always expect things to go wrong. And when they do go wrong, they say, "I knew it!" Well, they didn't just know it; their mindset made it happen. Many times, what we say reflects what we think will happen.

How do you rate your mind’s power on a scale of 1 - 10? I give our mindset an 11 on a scale of 1 to 10. Yes, 11! I know 11 is out of bounds on that scale, but maybe this will illustrate how crucial the mind is in life. You can’t disregard its importance. And you can’t embellish its role.

That's why one thing you should never take lightly is your mental health. It affects almost every other part of your life, if not everything. I hope this article will have a positive impact on your mind.



Fazeela Usman
The Road to Wellness

I'm Fazeela, a content writer who weaves stories through blogs and articles, a proud mom to two amazing grown-up kids, a supportive wife, a dedicated homemaker.