New Chapter Loading šŸ§³

Jen Owen
The Roadtrip
Published in
2 min readJan 5, 2023

Itā€™s good to shake things upā€¦ at least once a decade, right?!

September 09, 2022

Hereā€™s what it looks like to condense a ~1200 sq ft home into a 10x20 box šŸ˜².

Our ten-year anniversary this year got us into a reflective space.

šŸ’­ Are we building the life we dreamed of? Are we living wholeheartedly into our values, and as our fullest, highest selves? Are we good stewards of the blessings weā€™ve been given?

What a *privilege* to even be able to ask those questions. And privilege is a currency to be spent on making the biggest difference possible.

For us this year, that meansā€¦

šŸ”ø Diving headfirst into giving Co-CreatED our very best shot.
šŸ”ø Selling our beloved Atlanta home of 9 years.
šŸ”ø Welcoming Dave onboard to Co-CreatED *full-time*!!!
šŸ”ø Heading out on a 2-month cross-country road trip to try on the ā€œdigital nomadā€ life.
šŸ”ø Moving to Chattanooga to be closer to rocks and mountains, but still also close to friends & fam.
šŸ”ø Taking the risks worth taking.

And we know we couldnā€™t do this alone! Building a company takes a VILLAGE. šŸ™ Huuuuge thank you to all of you whoā€™ve been our support network ā€” youā€™ve played a more important role as ā€œco-creatorsā€ than you probably even realize.

So cheers to launching into a new chapter :) Here we go!!!

Jen & Dave

September 2022



Jen Owen
The Roadtrip

Founder of Co-CreatED // Advocate for equity, humanity, & collaborative innovation in education // Enneagram 7/8