A regular night of short, inspiring, adventurous, motivating and outrageous stories. We open our rooftop space to Pecha Kucha-style talks with 20 slides in six minutes.

What We’re About

Roam Co-Living
The Roam Diaries


Roam is an experimental community about the future of work, travel and life adventure.

We’re building a distributed network of communal living and working spaces across the globe that lets people explore, while being both inspired and productive. We adaptively re-use 20 to 50-unit spaces in cities from Ubud, Bali to Miami and turn them into longer-term communities where people live, work and play.

We are not a hotel. We are not a hostel. We are not a dorm. We are not a regular three or four-bedroom apartment shared between a couple of roommates. We are a longer-term community where you stay for weeks or more at a time.

We look for spaces with a much higher level of finish and design. We look for spaces with more rooms than a regular house, apartment or villa, so that we can support larger communities and more unique events.

We want to make sure that no matter how far away from home you are, you’ll have a supportive community to tap into wherever you go.

This is the common pool in the center of our 24-room space in Ubud, Bali.

Our members are a little more established in their careers, although we intend to keep our events and communal areas open to everyone.

Our Ubud location has rooms in a beautiful, contemporary style.

We have had inventors and hardware startups pass through our space, to share and talk about their latest creations.

Flyte, a six-person hardware startup from Sweden, passed through and showed off its levitating lights to our community.

But we also want our spaces to include local teachers because we want to be a nexus point — a layer that mediates culture exchange — between creatives working and traveling from elsewhere, and local leaders who have built institutions and communities over many years and decades.

Sugeng Madeira is a Javanese capoeira teacher who has been training for more than 15 years and teaches on our rooftop on Sundays.
An up-and-coming Indonesian chef, Harry Budihardjo, put together a six-course BBQ menu on our rooftop. He started his own business Restaurant Abels, and will be cooking at Lazy Bear, one of San Francisco’s most talked about restaurants later in the spring.

Our spaces are for people who want to get work done. All of our locations will have co-working areas, a communal kitchen, and, of course, a decent cup of coffee.

One-half of our co-working space on our roof.

But they’re also spaces for learning new ideas and picking up everyday practices.

Twice a week yoga jams on our roof bring in both residents and outside community members.

Not to mention the fact that our locations are less than an hour away from stunning natural beauty.

Sunrise over Mt. Agung is just an hour away.

But most importantly, Roam is about connecting with others. As one of our members, illustrator Sophie Oudman, put it one day on our quote board in Ubud, “Strangers are just friends waiting to happen.”

Don’t be a stranger.



Roam Co-Living
The Roam Diaries

Building a global network of communal living spaces for people who want inspiring, productive and adventurous lives.