Accusations of Botting Rocks the Boho Salon

The Roblox Independent Journal
2 min readOct 21, 2016
The front entrance to Boho Salon.

A series of botting accusations have sent this popular ROBLOX group scrambling to explain why these mysterious accounts are conspicuously prevalent in the group.

YouTubers GreenLegoCats, Dimension POKE, and SkeletalReality have created videos showing multiple accounts whose last activity times were timed closely to each other, and all accounts only having one group in their groups list: Boho Salon. Recently, with a sister group launching, some note that they have seen these types of bots there also.

A screenshot of one of the accounts shown in one such video.

GreenLegoCats has accused Boho Salon of having 99 percent of its members botted, but Boho’s staff are at pains to deny these accusations.

There is a lot of questions about bots. The bots use a PHP web API to promote players from the application form. It cannot make new members. Roblox has security to prevent that. There is a lot of misleading facts of these arising youtube videos. — FrankieTheDino

SkeletalReality, however, fired back.

Using bots to automatically rank up people isn’t just a little script or two. This is a complex machinery you’ve created. I’ve been scripting since 2013, and what I do know is that scripts in a game are not prohibited to surpass to automatically rank up people using accounts. With this bot, which manages to be online 24/7. With this power, you can surely bot group members, can’t you?

These accusations may cause people to leave the salon, but many fans of the salon have defended the group, accusing the three as phonies who botted the group on their own. There are also those who felt suspicious about the sudden rise of the group’s popularity, who now believe their suspicions have been confirmed.

I really shouldn’t be surprised. I knew that something was going on ever since it reached the front page. — Bobyhobby

The Roblox Independent Journal asked multiple workers about the situation, including a General Executive; all but two refused to answer, and the two who did answer had very little to say. One simply said, “That’s horrible”, and the other defended the group.

My opinion is that they don’t know how hard we’re working. We try hard to make everyone happy. — XxPastelSunshinexX

