Studio is not so great yet.

Kristoff McGarden
The Roblox Independent Journal
2 min readOct 23, 2016

Over the years, many users have moved on to Studio instead of using the stamper tool. This is mainly due to PBS games being removed, and stamper disappearing. Some people say this is due to ROBLOX’s shame of being seen as a mediocre company, so having people switch to a more advanced building program would show off how much of an impact they have on their players understanding.

With this migration to Studio, mass amounts of updates are soon to arrive. We’ve received a new physics engine, highlight identification, and smooth terrain. People who are moving to Studio now have pointers as to what they’re doing, and wiki guides to explain to them how to do certain tasks. While looking at these pointers and tips, you’ll have all but a clean browser and bookmark tab. The assigned studio focus groups are planning on additional changes to assist the new folk as to what they need to union blocks, and use solid modeling, or just script an item to possess a certain function.

I’ve gone on to many various blogs and sub-forums to take a glimpse at suggestions as to what developers must add to ROBLOX Studio. Some of these suggestions were absurd and self-centered, and some were reasonable and expansive.

On S&I, user ‘ThePixelatedCookie’ states “We need working mirrors.” He goes on to give the reason. “ For as long as I can remember, all Reflectance ever did was show a shiny, blurry picture of the skybox. Sure, they got an update, to make the shiny, blurry picture of the skybox slightly more dynamic, but still, it’s not really reflecting, is it? Do any mirrors in real life reflect nothing but the sky in a room where no sky is visible? I don’t think so. When we got smooth terrain, water became so much better, because it actually reflected things — but still, reflecting parts just reflect the skybox.

I 100% agree with Cookie. Also with user “spydig” who prefers conditional support for said feature. Conditional support in terms of this update, may be your graphics quality and so on. Cookie went on to say “If developers want to make a functional mirror, they have to duplicate the entire room, and add in some really lengthy script that most of us don’t have a clue how to write to make clones of your character move at the same time as you do.” He is correct. Any developer who wants to create a full-functioning mirror that tracks character movement, has to go on Game Design and make a thread about how to do so.

I ask, what suggestions do you have that you feel will improve studio?



Kristoff McGarden
The Roblox Independent Journal

Writer for RIJ. German chimney sweeper in Wurzburg. RBXDev Member.