The Rock Trading subscriptions Re-opening (by the end of February)

The Rock Trading
Published in
3 min readFeb 16, 2018

We have been working hard lately to improve and expand our infrastructure to better handle the increased number of requests that has come, almost unexpectedly, in the last few months (registrations of new users have been suspended since 30th November 2017).

Bear in mind that we have grown at a pace of about 400% per year, and lately we have been forced to grow even faster: whichis not simple for anyone since it means you need to grow in every sector ofthe company (IT, Finance, Administration, HR, Support, Legal, etc.) and you need to grow properly, not just in terms of numbers. (And we are moving to Italy too …)

We have come to the conclusion that requests are still higher than our willingness and our ability to grow. Believe us: growing is fascinating, to say the least, but it does not come without risks and pains; as a company with the responsibility of holding users funds we can manage pain, but above all we must manage risks.

For this reason we have come to the conclusion that our best path is to reopen registrations to anyone by the end of February, but we will require to pay an entry fee of 100 EUR (fees discount applies for the first 30 days).

As a little “giveback”, remember that this entry fee will get your trading discount fees to 90%, for at least the first 30 days (from mail verification)

This is not a simple decision, we need to stop accepting anyone, especially those new comers who have no idea what a crypto is or how to trade it: this is dangerous for us, for our company and above all, for them.

But lately we have seen too many people willing to register in a hurry in order to get into cryptocurrencies without any kind of due diligence, losing their money, wasting their time and ending up getting a bad idea of the crypto world.

By starting with an entry fee we hope to keep giving access to this world, but forcing any new comer to do so only if they really want to and wish to make their due diligence before that (people don’t usually spend money without any reason).

The best course of action would have been to make sure those new users knew what they are doing, instead of making them pay, but we were not able to define a proper way to ensure this and — let’s be honest — this is easier for us, quicker and will at least pay our costs in dealing with new users

Invitation Codes?

Surely, the best scenario for us would be to have all new users already prepared, who know how to trade and how to handle a cryptocurrency.

We know several people will not like to pay 100 EUR fee just to be able to trade on an exchange; that’s why we have now introduced invitation codes.

If you join through an invitation code, you will be able to register at The RockTrading without any entry fee.

Invitation codes will be distributed to selected partners who will screen new users and make sure they have the basic knowledge to operate in such markets.

Our mission is to be a gateway to the math currencies world, a gateway to freedom as we like to call ourselves .
And if you are able to demonstrate independently that you have such knowledge, ask for an invitation code to a brave new cryptoworld!

Thank you

