Where will your worldly treasures end up in the end!

Recentlly I lost a really dear friend who I had spent time traveling with and singing backup in the band he and his long time friend put together. Some of you old hippies out there may remember David Peel and the Lower East Side, and my friend of 47 years Harold C. Black.

Altho I left him and the band in Salt Lake City instead of going on to form a new band with him in 1970 (it was a man, ladies don’t let shiny objects change your paths) we stayed friends for all those years. We mostly talked on the phone on and off for years, and when Facebook came about in 2006 (when I signed up) I was able to eventually connect with hlm there too.

Well Harold always used a stage name (I knew it and his family’s names, but the majority of folks did not, they only knew him by his stage name) so many folks who want to, are unfortunately unable to pay the last respects on his online memorial (a physical memorial is yet to be discussed, but unfortunatley I won’t be able to travel to New York to attend it, and that breaks my heart), I will however be keeping the group I managed for him in Facebook open as it always was. He made so many memes and kept people so entertained, long…



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The Rocker Diaries

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