Frog Park News,
Projects, and Support

by Carol Behr, FROG chair

A picture from the Frog Park Facebook competition.

Little Frog/Redondo Park and
the Telegraph/51st Development:

Join us for an informal presentation about the project from the Nautilus developers. We are particularly interested in how the development will impact Little Frog Park at Redondo Avenue and Clarke Street, adjacent to the development.

  • Date: January 15
  • Location: TBD; E-mail for the location.

Calling for Frog Park Volunteers:

Please contact if you have interest in volunteering in the following areas:

  • Website content management and development
  • Community event planning and coordination
  • Gardening and/or botanical expertise (e.g., butterfly garden)
  • Volunteer Coordinator (e.g., outreach to partner organizations, plan community events, recruitment)
  • Maintenance Coordinator (coordinate with city, help manage events such as Earth Day)
  • Marketing and social media
  • Fundraising
  • Project management

Swings & Play Equipment Donations —
We Are Getting There

Thank you to all community members and businesses for your generous donations in 2014 to our community project to enhance Frog Park.

Increased Foundation Funding

Frog Park was notified in December 2014, that an anonymous private foundation grant would be increased to $10,000 and the match window extended into early or mid-2015. This is largely due to local business donations which counted towards the foundation match. We thank the foundation for its decision to support the park improvements.

Business List Coming Soon: We will list our business donors in a later article.

Contact us: Please contact for more information and to get involved with this project.

To donate and see our plans, please visit

