7 Challenges Faced By Students To Start Ph.D.

Leena Jha
The Academic Rollercoaster
4 min readDec 3, 2020
7 challenges faced by students while starting phd

What challenges to expect when you start the Ph.D.? Honestly speaking, no one can give the right answer to this. From patience to perseverance, a foreseeable future to the dedicated 3–5 years of commitment, some unique to the research area, and some predictable and common challenges to all, a lot will be at stake in your Doctoral journey. The journey will often lead to the crossroads where there will be a strong temptation to walk the easy path.

Overcome the obstacles and the avenue of researches and the ideas of producing something new under your name, which others will refer to and cite will enthrall and keep you motivated while walking up the ‘Road Less Traveled.’

While traversing the road to the Ph.D. degree, you will come through many challenges, some ordinary and a few extraordinary. Among it, we have curated seven challenges that students face right in the beginning. Prepare and brace yourself to face them with a proper strategy in hand.

College for phd students

1.Selecting on the institute/university: The path to research begins with the search for the right institute. Research is an entirely different trait. It requires a supportive ecosystem within the institute with sufficient resources to help in research and a pleasant environment to assist you to thrive in the long journey till you get a Ph.D.

professor teaching phd students for research and literature review

2. Finding a suitable supervisor: Securing admission to a good university is not the end of the chance factor. Many times getting a good supervisor is more important than a good university. A supervisor is a guiding force behind you all through your Doctoral journey and even beyond that. Besides the academic, it will be an added advantage if the supervisor is a good human being and a great researcher. Ph.D. work depends a lot on your relationship with the supervisor.

3. The pursuit of the research problem: A good supervisor of a great university is the most sought after commodity of the institute. Data says that many doctoral and post-doctoral scholars surround him/her.

The role of the supervisor is vital in the pursuit of exciting Ph.D. problems. If your supervisor is aware of the latest developments in the research area, finding the right problem should not be a hurdle in your path. However, it’s your responsibility to find the research problem and discuss it with your supervisor, focus on your interest, and try finding gaps that you can fill with your research.

4. Financial support: Even if you start your Ph.D. right after your PG, and your family supporting you financially, you may feel it embarrassing to depend on them. While most of your friends have started a job and are drawing a decent salary. Though almost all government institutes and many private institutes have provision for a Ph.D. scholarship, but not all have it. Ph.D. scholars of such institutes pass through mental stress and social stigma. So, secure a scholarship or stipend before you start doing a Ph.D.

Languages to study for phd by students

5. Language skills: You are expected to do a lot of reading and writing for your doctoral thesis. Almost all of the quality research papers are published in English. It is expected from the researchers to write the research papers in English unless you are doing your research in language. Learn the language, and improve your language skills. It will enhance the credibility of your research work.

6. Presentation skill: The other facet of research is your presentation skill; it is mostly your oral presentation skill. Presenting months of your hard work about which you can talk for hours in just 15 minutes of the conference time is an art. Your success depends on how convincingly, flawlessly, and confidently you present your work.

7. Social skills: It isn’t easy to become a good researcher without networking and social skills. You will have to cooperate and collaborate with researchers within the research area and beyond it in your field. You may even have to collaborate interdisciplinary to broaden your horizon. If you are a shy person, you may miss the boat. You have to be assertive and resilient.

The decision to pursue a Ph.D. is the stepping stone to a career in research, be it academics or industries. Like the Seven Habits of a Successful Person, the above listed seven challenges students face are to prepare you headstrong to tackle them. With the right attitude, you will sail through it.



Leena Jha
The Academic Rollercoaster

I am a freelance writer with a passion for traveling and observing people that inspire me to weave stories. When my thoughts want to break free, I write.