The Game Of Life

Looking for Peace in Travel -Why Does it Always Feel Crazy?

The Jekyll and Hyde Commuters

The Round Ball of Life


I do not travel to work much nowadays as I mostly work from home.

But when I do travel into London, there is one thing that really sticks out.

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And they will push it furiously in and out trying to make the ticket machine accept it.

It is not the travelling or the cost of fares.

While these are expensive and my journey is not that far as I live very close to the city. What stands out for me is the way people behave when they travel.

It is like we leave home as Dr Jekyll and turn into Mr Hyde on the way to work

For example, as soon as I purchase my ticket, I am NOW in this mindset that everything has to be done at one hundred miles an hour.

I rush to the gates and then rush on the train. We are all doing it. You think we were preparing for a sporting event. It is just a simple journey into London.

Photo by Lukas Robertson on Unsplash

You will see travellers get their tickets stuck in the machine.

And they will push it furiously in and out trying to make the ticket machine accept it. Meanwhile, they will be staring at the guard ticket in hand and getting more angry and with emploring faces — ‘Help me PLEASE, PLEASE!!!’

Then we all start running. Some cannot run well, so they hobble or just skip along, or just shuffle from side to side. It is a sight worthy of a comedy documentary!

I do not know why. We just instinctively as we hit the platform start running, skipping, hobbling and trying to get to a certain place on the carriage. Some drag partners and/or children along, hand in hand, trying to push through the crowd.

It reminds me of when I go to attend football matches. There is always some form of frenzied mad rush to the stadium.

We were all huddled via a certain route and the police would just treat us like cattle, moving us along.

Photo by Robert Bye on Unsplash

I really do not miss going all the time. I prefer to watch some matches on TV.

Then at the end of the match, you would try to leave early to avoid the hundreds or thousands of people on the train.

I think it is so important to slow down.

Why can we not enjoy the journey to work? I am never late.

So why am I rushing and moving so quickly?

I think London or cities have created this false reality that everything must be done at breakneck speed and efficiently. This is not true!

This is a reminder to us all: be calm, do not rush, and enjoy your travel!

And let’s arrive at our destination in one piece!

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The Round Ball of Life

I write about Sports exploring success and failure, sharing insights with readers. Dedicated father and husband building my business.