Here’s Why People Are Leaving Traditional Jobs Faster Than How They Are Joining Them.

dominic jacques
The Round Up
Published in
6 min readApr 6, 2021


According to the Wall Street Journal, nearly 3.4 million people in the US chose to give their boss their two-week notice in April of 2018.

Photo by Docusign Unsplash

People leaving their jobs these days to pursue non-traditional work rarely surprise anyone these days, after all, they have seen the countless youtube videos and listicles screaming and shouting at how much they are broke and unhappy simply because they are working in the traditional job sector which probably isn’t flexible.

It is demanded of them to get up just before 8 am and to arrive at work no later than 9 to get at the lump sum of tasks that their supervisors and manager have prepared. To narrow things down a bit, people are becoming more and more unhappy in jobs that they have to constantly clock in and clock out, and especially since the pandemic hit where remote work is the new normal, some of them may want to hop on this train but employers are still requiring them to come into the office for a meeting that could have been a zoom/phone call or to hand in reports that could have been digital.

We’re used to questioning the status quo when it comes to how we work. We’ve seen a fundamental shift in how, where, and when people work since the rise of the Internet. Remote workers, freelancers, and the fact that…



dominic jacques
The Round Up

a social blogger writes about sex, culture, society, social issues and things that impact the LGBTQIA+ community.