Our grateful thanks

Thousands of individuals and organisations from across the UK have generously contributed their time and insight to the work of the RSA Food, Farming and Countryside Commission. Without their dedication, generosity, passion and expertise, none of it would have been possible.

We would like to offer our sincere thanks to everyone who contributed to this field guide and the groups that are building on and continuing the work.

We especially appreciate the work led by our partners in the devolved inquiries: John Woods, Paddy Casement, the leadership group, and the workshop participants in Northern Ireland; Jane Davidson, Eirwen Williams, the leadership group and contributors in Wales; Lorna Dawson, David Miller, Ann Packard and all who attended the consultations, conversations and roundtables in Scotland.

With thanks to our partners in the three inquires across England: from University of Lincoln, Iain Gould, Isobel Wright and Jenny Rowbottom, and the Lincolnshire groups; from University of Cumbria, Lois Manfield and collaborators in Cumbria; David Fursdon and the Devon Committee, especially Kevin Cox, Tim Dudgeon, Andrew Butler, and Steve Criddle for chairing their respective Devon inquires so well, and from the University of Exeter, Beth Dooley and Matt Lobley.

Thanks to RSA Fellows and friends for connecting us to people and places and to the FFCC Commissioners, the Research Advisory Group, the FFCC secretariat team, and RSA colleagues for their excellent work and unstinting support.



Food, Farming and Countryside Commission
Food, Farming & Countryside Commission

Connecting sustainable food & farming, the countryside & environment and people’s health & wellbeing for a just transition to a greener, fairer economy.