Training For Body Recomposition

Designing Your Training Program

Finding the right amount of training for your goals

Tom Fitzgerald
The Rules Of Recomposition
7 min readJul 7, 2020


I have always developed personalised training programs for my clients. We worked to create a program that would meet their energy expenditure targets and improve their strength and fitness in line with their goals.

In this section, I am going to share the key principles to design your own training plan to achieve your fitness, strength and body composition goals. We are going to run through each of the variables to ensure everything is covered in your own strategy.

Types of training

The type of program you select isn’t all that important at the start, what really matters is that you are exercising and sweating on a consistent basis. Whether you use a gym program that I developed, a running program that you found online, do gym classes, play sports or anything else, the key is that you are engaging in regular physical activity.

It is easy to get caught up in wanting to start out with the perfect program. However, the initial focus should be on getting moving and you can begin to shape the plan as you go.

“What about [insert celebrity or Instagram trainer here]…



Tom Fitzgerald
The Rules Of Recomposition

Nutritionist & Exercise Scientist writing about health, business and my everyday life in Australia.